unit 1

  • 1200

    AMERICAS: The Incans come up with a form of communication

    they used "talking knots" to communicate during this entire time period.
  • 1202

    EUROPE: The 4th crusade began

  • 1206

    ASIA: Ghengis Khan and the Mongol empire overpowers the majority of Asia

  • 1230

    AFRICA: Mali empire established, Ghana empire declines

  • 1237

    EUROPE: The Mongols crossed the Ural mountains and ruled Russia

  • 1250

    AFRICA: Zimbabwe constructed in Southeastern Africa

  • 1252

    EUROPE: The Inquisition began

    torture approved for cases of religious disobedience
  • 1260

    ASIA: The battle of Ain Jalut begins

    the advances of the mongols on muslim communities stopped at the battle
  • 1298

    ASIA: The Chinese developed the cannon

  • 1299

    ASIA: The Ottoman empire rises above the weakened Byzantine empire

  • 1347

    EUROPE: The Black Death hit

    ended in 1350
  • 1350

    EUROPE: The Renaissance began in Italy

    ended in 1500
  • 1368

    ASIA: Great Wall of China is reconstructed

    it was made more elaborate
  • 1370

    ASIA: Timur conquers West, South, and Central Asia

    this lasted from 1370-1405
  • 1390

    AFRICA: Kongo kingdom flourishes on Congo river

  • 1400

    AFRICA: Swahili flourishes along Eastern African coast

  • 1421

    ASIA: the Forbidden City is constructed in Bejing

  • 1428

    AMERICAS: The Aztec empire was established

  • 1430

    EUROPE: Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for leading french troops

  • 1434

    EUROPE: The Medici family rose to power in Italy

  • 1438

    AMERICAS: The Incan empire is established

  • 1441

    AFRICA: African slaves began being transported across the Atlantic