unit 1

By gkirk
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    The industrial revolution started in 1760 with Great Britain. Britain was at a great spot economically and socially so that's where the revolution started. It was a great time of technological advancement. The steam engine was made and the railroads were becoming more and more useful. However people were being put into dangerous working conditions and kids weren't going to school.
  • Railroads

    The steam locomotive was invented in 1797 in England. Railroads played a huge role in the industrial revolution. they helped with the cost of transporting goods making them cheaper for the consumer. They also helped start the world economy by shipping goods to other countries quickly. The railroad business also created many new jobs.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was made up of conservative from Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and they were led by Prince Metternich of Austria. These conservatives wanted things to go back to the way they were. They were about tradition and stability. They wanted people to obey authority and they hated revolutionaries.
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    Great Britain at this time was doing very well. They had the Reform Bill of 1832 which increased the number of male votes. There continued to be economic growth and it was a time of peace and prosperity. Great Britain didn't have a revolution because they were making small changes.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The people of France were not happy with how the government was treating them so they revolted. They overthrew the monarchy and created a new government. They had a constitution, a single legislature, and a president. Unfortunately this government failed and France would go on to make a third republic.
  • The German Unification

    The German Unification
    In 1848 Germany had the Frankfurt Assembly. At the assembly they proposed a constitution with a hereditary emperor, a parliamentary government, and a limited monarchy. Frederick William IV was asked to take the throne but refused. Ultimately, the German Unification failed.
  • Austria revolution

    Austria revolution
    Austria was a multinational state. The nations were starting to get upset and rebellions started to break out. Metternich fled to England and then the liberals crashed.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Marx wrote a book called "The Communist Manifesto". In his book he talked about how the Bourgeoisie, oppressors, were going to get overthrown by the Proletariat, oppressed. They then would get rid of the class system and create a dictatorship while having no government in their society. He blamed capitalism for the cruel side of the industrial revolution.
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    Louis-Napoleon created an authoritarian government. This meant that whatever he said was the law so it was basically a dictatorship. However he was good to the people. He focused on industry and he rebuilt Paris to make it more safe. He gradually started to liberate France and let them have more freedoms. But the empire fell in 1870 due to the Franco-Prussian War.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    The Crimean war happened because there was conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Russia wanted to expand to the Balkans which was a warm water port. It would help Russia be able to transport goods. France and England were fearing the rise of Russia's power so they declared war. Ultimately Russia lost and became enemies with Austria and didn't evolve themselves with European affairs for 20 years
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    Italian Unification

    The Italian Unification took a long time and even after they were unified they were in a rocky spot. It was a long process of wars and concerning land. It started with the king of Piedmont declaring war on Austria and came to an end around 1870 when they took Rome as their capital.
  • Trade unions

    Trade unions
    Trade Unions were helpful to the working class. It was a way for them to get good working conditions and good pay. Going on strike was their most effective method of negotiation.
  • Compromise of 1867

    Compromise of 1867
    This was a compromise between Austria and Hungary. The agreement was that they would have a dual monarchy. One would rule Austria and one would rule Hungary. The only things they would share were a king, army, foreign policies, and money
  • Second industrial revolution

    Second industrial revolution
    the second industrial revolution improved what people had and how things were made. There was production of steel, electricity was made, and we started to use chemicals. Henry Ford created the assembly line so things were cheaper and there was a developing world economy. But people weren't happy with how unsafe their workplace was so they formed unions and went on strike.
  • Franco-Prussian War of 1870

    Franco-Prussian War of 1870
    This was a war between France and Germany. Otto von Bismarck was the one who led the battle and strategically led the Germans to victory. This war unified Germany and proved that they were the stronger nation on the continent.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    Germany tried once before to unify and failed so they turned to Prussia for leadership. William I stepped forward and apounted a prime minister who strengthened the army and made decisions based on practical matters. Germany fought 2 wars the final one being Franco-Prussia. This made France very mad. This also made Germany the strongest power on the continent and they are the best example of nationalism.
  • Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II
    Czar Alexander II was ruler of Russia. He gave the serfs band land and had them pay taxes on it. He had a hard time gaining support from both the reformers and the conservatives. He was assassinated in 1881.
  • The assembly line

    The assembly line
    Henry Ford produced cars. At first they were made by hand and it took a long time. It also cost a lot for the company and the consumer. Ford saw this as a problem and created the assembly line. Now he could have mass production, it's cheaper to make a car, and it's cheaper for the consumer so they can sell more.
  • Crisis in the Balkans

    Crisis in the Balkans
    Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia was not happy about that so they got help and made an alliance with Russia. Germany sees this and makes an alliance with Austria-Hungary. And by 1914 the Balkan area is about to explode and disrupt the peace in Europe