Aug 3, 1492
Christoper Columbus arrived in America
Christopre Columbas arrived in the new world and began introducing them selves to the indians. He was looking for labor, labor, gold, and people to convert to christanity.Little did the english know the were imune to diseses the indians had never been in contact with and many were killed. -
Jamestown was Founded
John Winthrop shaped Jamestown to be a "modle of Christan Charity". Athough he didnt belive in democracy, he did belived in education and formed the Boston Latin School and Harvard. -
French Indian War
The French and British had many inconclusive wars during the first half of the 18th centuries because of the struggel over land.The british ended wining the war and made the indians unhappy and they resented the growing numbers of british people. -
Stamp and Sugar Act Passed
George Grenville, King George's financial expert belived that the colonist were smuggling goods rather than paying taxes on them. Grenville urged parlement to pass the sugar and stamp act. The colonist thought this was unfair because they had no say in the new acts. They begain to boycott the taxed products causing tension th increase between Britian and the colonist. -
Boston Massacre
A mob of colinist gathered in frount of Bostons Customs House and taunted the British soldiers. Gun fire broke out and five colonists were killed. The Boston Massacre only gave the colinist more of a reason to rebell. -
Boston Tea Party
When the British taxed the colinist they were outraged and retalated by boycotting the taxed good. They dumped 18,000 pounds of the east India Company tea into the boston harbor. This was one of many acts the led to the revoltion and seporation from Brittain. -
Amereica gained independence from Brittain
The new colonies begain having problems with Brittain over money and the fact the colinist had no voice in the decisions Britain made. The coloinst won the war and begain forming their new goverment. -
States Approved the First Ten Amendments
In 1791 all the existing states acsepted the first ten amendments causing a more uniform government. The first ten amendments were made to protect the people and the fedural government. -
Industrial Revolution
1800 to 1900 is known as the industrial revolution for America. Photography, the reaper, sewing machine, internal-combustion engine, dynamite, typewriter,light bulb, phonograph, telephone, electric moter, radio, motion picture, and x-ray. Theses inventions changed America's way of life, -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of America in 1803 of 828,000 square miles of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana. -
Missouri Comprimise
Congress passed a bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state under the condition that slavery was to be forever prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36th parallel, which runs approximately along the southern border of Missouri. -
First Gold in the Gold Rush
A carpenter found shiny particals laying near John Sutters sawmill. It turned out the carpenter found gold, the new spead fast and son everyone was heading for California to "get ritch". The gold rush brought african americans, mexicans, and many immigrants. -
First Annual Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott hosted the first women's rights convention. 300 men and women came to Seneca Falls, New York to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religious life -
Califonia becomes a State
Due it the tons of people who went to California for the gold rush it eventually had to become a state. When statehood was granted California decided to become a nonslave state. This alarmed the Southerner's because they assumed that because most of California layed south of the missouri Comprimise it would be open to slavory. -
Civil War
The Union States and the Confederate States broke into war in 1861 because of disagrements over slavory, trade, and states rights. The Confederate States and the Union States split up and begain using a diffrent curency and laws. -
Homestead act
The Homestead Act of 1862, was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. Anyone who had never taken up arms against the U.S. government that was 21 years or older, or the head of a family, could file an application to claim a federal land grant. This lead to conflicts of the native americans land and tribal territories. -
Civil War Ended
The civil war ened with the Union States wining the fight. Although the war was eneded Confederate Stater were e rest relunctent to join the country. -
Abolishment of Slavory
The 13th Amendment Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, but became a formal amendment on December 6, 1865. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States. The slaves Then had the right to vote, buy land, make their own desisions, ect. -
Great Strike
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was the country's first major rail strike. The strikes and the violence imobalised the country's transportation to ten states. The strike ended in a few weeks, but it helped set the stage for later violence . -
Haymarket Square Riot
On May 4, 1886, a labor protest rally in Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police, eight people died. The Haymarket Riot was a setback for the labor movement in America, which was fighting for rights like the eight-hour workday. -
Dawes Act
The Dawes act of 1887 tried to force the assimilation of Native Americans into white culture. From1819 to 2000 the Native Americans lost more than 80% of their native land. -
Battel of Wounded Knee
Wounded Knee, was in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota,was the site of two conflicts between North American Indians and representatives of the U.S. government. The1890 massacre left some many Native Americans dead, it was the final clash between federal troops and the Sioux. The battle lead to a protest on the resovation demending better conditions on the reservation. -
Gentlemen's Agreement was Signed
The Gentlemen's club was a informal agreement between the governments of Japan and the United States that limited Japanese immigration to the United States.