unit 1

  • Period: to

    Colonial America

    There was little to no government involvement, scarcity was a major issue at the time.
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    Market Revolution

    Became more industrialized, relied heavily on the textile industry, cotton gin invented, as well as increased enslaved labor
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    Antebellum America

    Western settlement led to the introduction of gold and silver which led to inflation
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    Laissez-faire America

    went into a period of mass urbanization/industrialization, Americans became overwhelmingly rich; with an unregulated economy
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    Fordism & Scarcity

    Scarcity was low, standard of living improved, Henry Ford created systems which made mass production easier.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    Recession, and stock market crash; led to the most significant economic changes for the US
  • War on Poverty

    Increased government regulation of the government; sought to alleviate poverty through government financial support.
  • Great Recession

    Major economic crisis, caused by bank involvement in hedge fund trading, had major ripple effects