Great Southwest Railroad Strike
More than 200,000 railroad wo rkers in states stiked against the Union Pacific. Although there were 200,000 strikers, only 10 died. After this strike, the American Federation of Labor. -
Homestead Fight
The Homestead Fight was the third most brutal fight for the union workers. An industrial lockout had happened days before this which caused union worlers to try to unionize steel workers. The battle was between union workers and agents. -
Ludlow Massacre
A tent colony consisted of 1,200 striking coal miners in Colorado. Rockefeller owned the mine and was held responsible for the death of around 24 workers. -
Battle of Blair Mountain
The largest battle between union workers and non-union workers. 10,000 coal miners were armed an d ready to fight the 3,000 "Logan Defenders". The miners were trying t ounionize t he West Virginia coal mines. The battle got so bad that the president had to call in the United States Army. -
The Norris-LaGuardia Act
This was a bill that banned employers making their employers agree to not be a memer of the union. -
The Wagner Act
This bill established the National Labor Relations Board. -
The Fair Standards Act