Haymarket Affair
Workers were rallying in Chicago. One of the workers threw a bomb at the police. Eight of the protestors were convicted and they were known as Martyrs in the labor movement. -
Homestead Strike
The workers of Carnegie steel did not like the working conditions and hours. So they joined a union in order to fight against the issues. The manager Frick, raised the demands and this caused workers to strike. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
Mine workers united across America to get higher wages. They went on strike for months. Schools had to shut down due to lack of coal for heating. The strike ended when a settlement on the wage was agreed. -
World War 1
With the global war ramping up and becoming a serious problem. Unions took advantage of the time and pushed to have greater recognition. The unions had to agree to some regulations during the war time. -
Great Depression
During the great depression organized labor seemed unreal, while the labor union members were at around 3 million compared to 5 million the decade before. Through this rough time labor unions still had hope because of the pro-union stance of Roosevelt. This stance from Roosevelt helped unions from completely collapsing. -
National Labor Relations Act
Passed in 1935 this law gives workers the right to form unions. This law also requires employers to bargain with the unions over wages. The NLRA enforces this law. -
Pre WW2
Even World War 2 couldn’t budge the organized labor unions into concessions with their corporate counterparties. There were no public employee unions then only unions to deal with private companies. The United Auto Workers, United Mine Workers, and others viewed the war as an opportunity to build power. -
Right to Work Laws
Passed by the NLRA in 1947. These laws are anti-worker because they are meant to erode workplace security. LAws prevent union members and employers from making contracts to have an enforceable union security agreement. -
Civil Rights act
This law requires Businesses to serve all people equally regardless of race or ethnicity. It also prohibits discrimination by employers and unions. This law is enforced by the EEOC. -
The Pullman Strike
Workers at the Pullman car company were oppressed with 12 hour work days and wage cuts. They walked out were they were joined by union members in protest. They effectively shut down train traffic to the west of Chicago.