Lowell Mill Women Create the First Union of Working Women
In the 1830s, the Lowell mill women created the first union of working women in American history. The mills the women worked at were very popular, but the working conditions were miserable. To improve the working conditions, the Lowell Mill Women protested and went on strike. -
Atlanta's Washerwomen Strike
This historial event occured when thousands of black laundresses went on strike for higher wages, respect for their work and control over how their work was organized. This relates to the labor movement because the women went on strike to make a political statement that the wages weren't fair. -
Great Southwest Railroad Strike
The American railroad was expanding quickly and working conditions and pay became unreasonable. In 1886, the Knights of Labor went on strike at the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific. This strike resulted in thousands of men not going to work and protesting for months. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The Sherman Antitrust Act was the first movement passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts. This Act shows labor movement because it made things much more even and fair in the business and labor envoriment. -
The Battle of Cripple Creek
In the Battle of Cripple Creek, Owners decided that workers could keep the eight-hour day for a reduction of 50 cents in their daily pay. Workers in Cripple Creek went on a five month strike.Because of their poitical stance, it later it resulted in a victory for the union. -
The Pullman Strike
Workers would work 12-hour work days and have unfair pay. This resulted in factory workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company to protest. The workers were soon joined by members of the American Railway Union (ARU), who refused to work on or run any trains, including Pullman-owned cars. -
National Labor Relations Act
The NLRA protects the rights of employees and gives workers the right to form unions. This act is an act that gives employees a voice and contibute to the labor movement, -
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
This law establishes health and safety standards in a workplace. It sets maximum levels of exposure to hazordous substances that can cause health problems. By having this act, it keeps the workers safe and in better health conditions. -
The Great Postal Strike of 1970
The Great Postal Strike of 1970 was a time in historry when 200,00 postal workers went on strike. They got together, stood tall and transformed the postal business forever. This resulted in better working conditions. -
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
This law gives workers the right to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a year for the birth of their child, care for a close family member with a serious illness, or for treatment and recovery from their own serious illness.