Lowell Mill Women Create First Union of Working Women
Women were unhappy with their low wages and working conditions and created the first all women union. -
Atlanta Washerwoman Strike
Black Washerwomen went on strike to fight for higher wages -
Haymarket Riot
Protesting police brutality against labor strikes -
Sherman Antitrust (act)
The law forbade any "restraint of commerce" across state lines. -
McKee's Rock Strike
The working conditions in the plant were so bad that workers were dying everyday so they went on strike. -
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
One of the deadliest industrial tragedies in history. Improved all worker condition laws. -
Great Depression
The stock market crashed. It was one of the most severe depressions in the world. -
Norris LaGuardia (act)
Outlawed the practice of hiring only workers who agreed not to join the union -
Fair Labor Standards (act)
First federal minimum wage (25 cents); restrictions for child labor; overtime pay -
Homestead Strike
Industrial lock out and strike that caused a major setback in steel workers unions.