The Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886
Tis strike happened in Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Texas. It included around 200 thousand strikers. The strike was called by the Knights of Labor.This connects to the labor movement because the employer was able to win by hiring non-union workers and also caused the dismemberment of the Knights of Labor. -
The Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902
Thi strike took place in Eastern Pennsylvania. The strike consisted of 147 thousand strikers. The strike was finished when President Roosevelt intervened and the strikers were given a 10% raise. -
The Steel Strike of 1919
This strike took place in Pittsburgh. The strike consisted of 350 thousand strikers. Tis strike ended the steel union for the next 15 years. -
The Railroad Shop Workers Strike of 1922
This strike included 400 thousand strikers.This strike was started because of pay cuts. This shows how the company want to make money while spending little on its workers. -
The Slave Labor Act
This allowed the government to call off strikes and employer lockouts for a "cooling off" period. This goes against what unions can do to fight against unfair employers. -
Equal Pay Act of 1963
This law made equal pay for both men and women that do the same caliber of work. This will help the add people to the unions.