Knights of Labor Founded
A guy named Uriah Stephens formed the Knights of Labor in Philadelphia. This group organized workers around the country without management. They were very important in the beginning of labor organizing. -
Railway Strike
This strike was between the Baltimore and Ohio railroads.It caused violence which led to federal troops being called out for the first time in a labor dispute. The strike ended but still caused great conflict between business owners and workers. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
The law was against any "restraint of commerce" across the state lines, and courts ruled that union strikes and boycotts had to be covered by the law. This affected the union because it was passed by liberal reformers in hopes to stop the abuses of business cartels and monopolies, not to affect the unions. -
Norris-LaGuardia Act
This Act outlawed pledges by workers not to join a labor union, and removed certain legal barriers against the activities of organized labour such as strikes, picketing, and boycotts. -
Fair Labor Act
This act set a federal law that made minimum wage,overtime pay eligibility, recordkeeping, and child labor standards which was effective for every working american.