Union Timeline

  • Railway Strike of 1877

    Railway Strike of 1877
    Strikes against Baltimore and Ohio railroads lead to Federal troops being called out for the first time. The evidence shown in this strike leads to conclude that there is serious conflict between workers and their employers.
  • AFL begins

    AFL begins
    Inspired by the Haymarket Square Riot, Samuel Gompers, a labor organizer, begins the American Federation of Labor. The AFL are groups of trade unions that come together that began the labor movement and helped it become what it is today.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    labor rally at Haymarket Square in Chicago in support of the eight hour day goes wrong. Unknown party throws bomb into middle of the rally where the police are and causes a fire. Relates to labor movement because it taints labor's image and starts riots between the movement.
  • Anti Trust Act

    Anti Trust Act
    Congress passes the Anti-Trust Act.This act affected unions because it blocks out buisness monopolies and is beneficial to employers against union regulations.
  • Homstead Strike

    Homstead Strike
    A lockout at the Homestead Steel Company goes wrong due to Pinkerton detectives arriving unexpectedly at the steel company since they were hired by the company. Union workers become angry and use violence to go against the detectives and leads to 11 union labor deaths and 8 Pinkerton detective deaths. This affects unions because it protects the steel company from organized labor.
  • IWW Founded

    IWW Founded
    The IWW was formed by western miners and activists that met at the Industrial Workers of The World in Chicago, IL. Although they didn't achieve as much as they would have liked to, it affected unions because it inspired the generations that would come afterwards.
  • LGWU Strike

    LGWU Strike
    the International Ladies Garments Workers Union begins a strike in order to demand a 20% raise and 52 hour workweek. Over 20,000 workers walk out of the job. This affected unions because it became the largest strike in the nations history done by women and became successful.
  • Minimum Wage Law

    Minimum Wage Law
    Massachussets becomes the first state to adopt the minimum wage law. This affects unions because it inspires other states to adopt this law and to give equal pay to women and minors.
  • FDL Established

    FDL Established
    The Federal Department of Labor is born. The Department helps to emphasize the pro-labor stance that Woodrow Wilson will implicate. This affects unions because Woodrow Wilson appoints a United Mine Worker as his Secretary of State.
  • Norris- La Guardia Act

    Norris- La Guardia Act
    The Norris- La Guardia Act concluded that yellow dog contracts are unconstitutional and claimed that management and labor should be separated. This law also limits the courts power to establish injunctions.
  • Change to Win.

    Change to Win.
    The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Teamsters, and other activist unions leave the AFL-CIO to form a new labor coalition called Change to Win. The move represents a new emphasis on organizing workers to bring them into a labor movement starved for members.