Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the transition into new manufacturing processes which included going from hand production to machines, chemical manufacturing and iron production processes. Efficiency of water power was improved, use of steam power was increased, and machine tools were developed. -
Atlanta's Washerwomen's Strike
The Atlanta's Washerwomen's Strike was a strike were thousands of Atlanta's black washerwomen went on strike to fight for higher wages, respect, and control over their work. -
Haymarket Riot
The Haymarket Riot was an aftermath of a bombing that took place at Haymarket Square, in Chicago. It was at first peaceful the goal was to get an eight hour day and was a reaction to several workers who were killed the previous day by police officers. No one knew who but all of a sudden someone threw a bomb which immediately resulted in police shooting back. This riot left 9 police officers dead and four civilians. -
Homestead Strike
The Homestead Strike was a strike that was held in Homestead, Pennsylvania, between Amalgamated of Iron and steel workers and the Carnegie Steel Company. The steelworkers won a 3 year contract but by 1892 Carnegie was determined to break the union. In all, the strike ended with 16 people dead and any ho was not dead was severely injured. -
LA Times Bombing
The Los Angeles Times Bombing was a bombing of the Los Angeles Times building in Los Angeles, California. It was done by a union worker belonging to the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers. The explosion started a fire which killed 21 and injured 100 newspaper employees, and was named the "crime of the century" by the Times. -
Steel Strike
The Steel Strike was attempted by Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers to organize the United States steel industry in the wake of World War I. Steelworkers were forced to carry out their strike threat and half of the steel industry was shut down. -
The Great Depression
The Great depression was a worldwide economic depression that lasted from 1929-1939, caused from a stock market crash in late October. -
Norris- La Guardia Act
The Norris- La Guardia Act was a federal law that banned yellow- dog contracts, which is an agreement between employee and employer as a condition of employment, not to be a member of a labor union. -
National Labor Relations Act
The National Labor Relations Act provides protection to the rights of employees and employers and engages in collective bargaining, which is a negotiation between employees and employers to regulate working salaries. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The FLSA insures that anyone working gets paid minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, and that there are limitations on child labor laws.