Lowell Mill Women Create First Union of Working Women
Lowell mill women went on strike creating the first union of working women in American history. Before going on strike, mill girls worked an average of nearly 13 hours a day. This brought attention to the long work days that women had to work in order to get paid. -
Battle of Cripple Creek
Work day was increased to 9-10 hours with no increase in pay, or keep their workday with a decrease of 50 cents. Workers went on strike which caused a small war with shootings. The strike was broken and took many years until they got their rights. -
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The building had caught fire and workers were trapped inside due to locked fire escape exit doors. 146 workers (mostly women) had died in the fire accident. This brought attention to safety measures taken in work environments. -
Norris - LaGuardia Act
The Norris - LaGuardia Act outlawed the practice of hiring only workers who agreed not to join the union. The act also prevented federal courts from issuing injunctions against strikes by labor groups. Overall the acts states that members of labor unions should have "full freedom of association." -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Established the first Federal minimum wage of 25 cents. The acts also established overtime pay eligibility and to affect child labor standards. yay. -
Taft-Hartley Act
The act allows the government to investigate union disputes. It also forbids jurisdictional strikes and secondary boycotts. Lastly the act only allows union shops if most of the employees vote for them. -
Great Southwest Railroad Strike
During this strike hundreds of thousands of railroad workers in five states refused to work. The strike was over unfair hours and pay but it lacked in commitment from other railroad unions.