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Italian Unification

By Mauro12
  • Congress of Vienna’s consequence

    Congress of Vienna’s consequence
    After the Congress of Vienna, Italy was divided into 8 countries:
    Piedmont or Kingdom of Sardinia, Lombardy, Venezia or Véneto, Parma, Modena, Tuscany, Papal State and the Kingdom of the two Sicilies.
  • Beginning of the unification

    It starts with the kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia, the kingdom takes part with France in the war of Crimea against Austria.
  • Lombardy

    After this, Napoleon III transfers Lombardy to the kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia.
  • Parma, Modena and Romaña

    Parma, Modena and Romaña
    In Parma, Modena and Romaña start some nationalism disturbances and they finally join the Piedmont kingdom.
    Napoleon III recognized this annexations and he created the Reign of the high Italy.
  • Tuscany

    Tuscany was introduced in the Piedmont kingdom by a referendum.
  • Victor Manuel

    Victor Manuel
    Victor Manuel is proclaimed king of Italy.
  • The Kingdom of two Sicilies

    The Kingdom of two Sicilies
    The kingdom of the two Sicilies was introduced in the Piedmont kingdom.
  • Véneto or Venezia

    Véneto or Venezia
    Véneto introduces in the piedmont kingdom as a result of the war between Prusia and Austria.
    The reign of Italy unites with Prusia. Italy was defeated, even though, Prusia won the war and Austria transfered Véneto to Italy in the “Treaty of Vienna”.
  • Papal States and Roma as the capital city

    Papal States and Roma as the capital city
    The Papal States were introduced in Italy through a plebiscite (referendum) and Roma was proclaimed the capital city of the state.
  • Conflict between the Pope/ Papal States and Italy

    Conflict between the Pope/ Papal States and Italy
    The Pope Pío IX didn't recognize the last annexation between Italy and the Papal States and this started a conflict between the new Italian State and the Vatican. This conflict isn't going to be solved until the 20th century.
    This is the end fo the Unification and nowadays the Vatican and Italy are still separated.