Germany seal

Unification of Germany (Positive and Negative)

  • Prussia deafeats Napoleon I at Waterloo

    Prussia deafeats Napoleon I at Waterloo
    This increases Prussian nationalism but with Napoleon gone, the spread of nationalism is spreading.
  • The Zollverien

    The Zollverien
    SourceThe Zollverien, which made prices in the German States more stable, spread industrialization and adopted a systems of measures and currency, this was a major step toward German unification and had a positive effect on nationalism becasue by the Zollverien being created this opened trade and relations between the individual states.
  • William I Becomes King

    William I Becomes King
    William IWilliam I became the king of Prussia and appointed Otto von Bismarck. This is a major event, as Bismarck strengthened Prussia because of his many reforms and his wanting to stay in power made him listen to the people. He made a huge impact in Germany. All of what made Bismarck look good made the king look good.
  • Otto von Bismarck Appointed to Prime Minister

    Otto von Bismarck Appointed to Prime Minister
    BismarckBismarck was the main guy behind the Unification of Germany He believed that Prussia would lead the states to unification and did everything in his power to make Germany a industrial, so he had a positive effect on nationalism.
  • Blood and Iron

    Blood and Iron
    Blood and IronOtto von Bismarck, blieved that it was Prussia's be big. he belived the only way for Prussia to do well was war and industrization Bismarks focus was making the military better and his nationalistic views had a positive effect because in doing all he did though manipulation and back doors he was that key to the unification of Germany.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    PDF This had a posistive effect for nationalism in Germany because they were able to put the iron fist over the German city of Holstein.
  • 7 Weeks War

    7 Weeks War
    Image Source
    A seven week war against Prussia and Austria. This had a postitive effect on Nationalism since Prussia kept Germany in its control.
  • Bismarck Telegram

    Bismarck Telegram
    Negative- Bismarck starts a war with the French. Positive- Bismarck planned this so Prussa has the upper hand.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    Franco Prussian WarThe Prussian charging the French guns at the Battle of Mars-La-Tour in the Franco Prussian War. This is positive because in order for the South to be unified with the rest of Germany,
  • Constitution of the German Empire

    Constitution of the German Empire
    Source This had a positive effect on German nationalism because it established a somewhat solid government.