Unification of Germany

  • Prussia was getting stronger

    Prussia strenghtened by new acquired lands and enlarged military to challenge Austria.
  • Treaty of Amity

    Prussia was the first German state that officially recognized the US.
  • Consul of Trieste

    Austria recognized the US.
  • The German Confederation

    The German Confederation was formed in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna. It was the political association of 39 states, and it was dominated by Prussia and the Habsburg Empire.
  • Establishement of Zollverin

    It meant custom union and economic unity.
  • The Revolutionary year

    This was the first effort to try to unify Germany. Rural riots broke out and spread to the urban areas. They supported the freedom of press, a national fair system of taxation, the freedom of religion, national militia and a national German Parliament.
  • German National Assembly

    The German National Assembly met at Frankfurt. It was the first assembly that was freely elected by the people, however they had lack of strong executive power.
  • The Danish War

    Bismarck, the Prussian Prime Minister allied with Austria in order to defeat Denmark. Bismarck by the way believed in the Small German Unity.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Prussian victory.
  • North German Confederation

    Bismarck created the North German Confederation.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    The aim was to unify the western German states with the North German Confederation. France lost.
  • German Empire

    The German Empire was proclaimed in the Palace Versailles (that was humiliating for France).