Austrians vs Napoleon
The austrian army was on the march against Napoleon. They were led by Francis -
Defeated Roman empire
The holy Roman empire was almost defeat. -
Congress of Vienna
After Napoleon has been defeated by the Russians, Prussia and Austria rose up against him. In 1815 he had been firmaly defeated.
(Congress of Vienna:
-Punished france.
-established a tolerance of power) -
Prussia Influence
The Zollverein -> Prussia
-Removed Tarifs
-Increased Prussia influence. -
Customs union
Prussia organished a customs union of German-speaking states but Austria was not a member. -
Frankfurt Parliament
A parliament made in Frankfurt that offered the crown of Germany to the king of Prussia. However the king refused because he was hostile to the liberals. -
Crimean war
Austria refused to help Russia in the crimean war against britain. -
Friedrich died and was succeded by his brother Bill Hemmer the first. Ott von Bismarck was minister of Prussia. -
Prussia and Austria vs Denmark
Prussia and Austria declare war on Denmark, they won insolating Austria. They helped Russia with Polish revels, they soportes France clime to Belgium. -
Austria vs Russia war
Austria-Russia War -
Price Leopold was defeated by the spanish crown.
The ems telegram:
-Named after the town of Bad Ems in germany.
-Designed to provoque rhe French. -
France vs Prussia
Frace-Prussia war.
French emperor was capture
German empire.
Northern germany protestants appeared against catolics.
The Kulturkamps:
-remove catholics from goverment -
Britain alliance
Focussed on the construction of Dreadnoughts.
Forced britain to make an alliance with France. -
1st World war
Archduke Ferdinan of Austria died.