
Unification of Germany

  • The German Confederation

    The Congress of Vienna created German Confederation, 39 states I think that this was both positive and negative. It led to the unification, but also more issues.
  • Zollverein

    The creation of the customs union, the Zollverein, which made prices in the German States more uniform, spread industrialization and adopted uniform systems of weights, measures and currency, was a major step toward German unification and had a positive effect on nationalism.
  • Germany's Constitution

    After the Revolution of 1848, Liberal citizens of berlin rioted forcing a constituational convention writing the constitution. I think that this would be negative, because rioting may get you what you want temporarily and show how you feel in the moment, but I've noticed that government ways are fickle in newborn countries
  • Every state except Austria admitted to the Zollverein

    Every state except Austria admitted to the Zollverein
    By 1853, all German states except Austria were members of the Zollverein.
  • William I becomes King of Prussia

    William I becomes King of Prussia
    In 1858, William I replaced Fredrick William IV who had ruled as his regent, and became King of Prussia in 1861.
  • The Danish War begins

    The Danish War begins on Valentine's Day in 1864, and under Bismarck, Prussia reacted immeadiately. The Danish lost and gave lots of land to Prussia.
  • The Seven Weeks War begins

    The Seven Weeks War, also known as the Austro-Prussian War, was fought in 1866.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    Bismarack's success was due in part to his strong will. He was a prime minister who moved up to build the Prussian army. He strenthened the army with money that had been collected. He wanted to form a alliance with Austria. He dissolved the Austrian- led German confederation and created a new one dominated by Prussia. He also spurred up German nationalism.
  • Franco-Prussian War Begina

    The Franco-Prussian War begins in 1870, and Bismarck won the war in 1871
  • Birth of the German Empire

    The people of the Southern German states and the Northern German Confederation supported Bismarck after his victorious battles. They persuaded him to become kaiser and pronounced him Emperor of Germany. He set up a constitution, which included a 2-house legislature.