Unification of Germany

  • German Confederation

    German Confederation
    Confederation Congressf of Vienna created German Confederation, 39 states
    I think that this was both positive and negative. It led to the unification, but also more issues.
  • Constitution

    Revolution of 1848Liberal citizens of berlin rioted forcing a constituational convention writing the constitution. I think that this would be negative, because rioting may get you what you want temporarily and show how you feel in the moment, but I've noticed that government ways are fickle in newborn countries
  • Von Roon New Prussian Minister

    Von Roon New Prussian Minister
    RoonNew Prussian Minister of War Von Roon introduces military reforms; longer military service, Army twice as big. Later helped Bismark. Positive, because germans were progressing.
  • German Industrialization lead to Unification

    German Industrialization lead to Unification
    Industrial Had Bismarck not pushed for Industrialization and used the technology around him he wouldn't been able to beat Austria
    and climb the ladder of importance so fast. I believe this was negative to the workers thats were treated badly, but from an economical stand point this was very good for german unification, because it began to moderize them.
  • William I To Bismarck

    William I To Bismarck
    William I and BismarkTakes power in prussia, parliament refused to militarily reform, appoints Bismark. I think this is pretty nuetral, because bismarck was there to help, but in his way.
  • Bismark Prime Minister

    Bismark Prime Minister
    Prime ministerOtto von Bismarck made ‘Minister-President’ (Prime Minister/Chancellor) of Prussia.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    Schleswig and Holstein, German and Danish interests conflicted. Wars are always negative to me, but inevitable when it comes to trying to get what you want, especially if what you want is a unified country.
  • Seven Weeks War

    Seven Weeks War
    Austro-Prussian War The war between Autsria and Prussia that only lasted Seven weeks because of how prepared Bismarck made Prussia.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    Franco Prussian War After Bismarck devised incidents to annoy france, the french declared war on Prussia.
  • Germanic Empire

    Germanic Empire
    german empire After three sucessful wars Germany was now unified geographically.