The Murder
The exposition of the story is when Aria's friends get murdered in Agriculture 6 pod and she gets blamed for it. (page 22) -
Being Exiled
As a result of being blamed for a murder, Aria is exiled from her in Reverie. And placed in the "Death Shop," which is the area outside of Reverie.(page 68) -
The Meet
On the same day she was exiled, Aria meets an "outsider" by the name of Perigrine, also known as Perry. They don't like each other but need each other for resources.(page 99) -
Period: to
The Journey
Aria and Perry take the journey to Delphi for resources. Perry is close friends with Marron, the "mayor." Aria has a gash on her foot and Perry's hand is burnt. At Delphi, they get the medicine and food they need. -
The Entrance
Aria gets back inside Reverie. -
The Discovery
Aria discovers her mom, her only living family member, has been murdered. (page 348) -
The Exiled Life
Aria ends up getting caught and exiled again. (page 361) -
The Final Chase
Aria is chasing an unkown, to us, person into the night. (page 374)