Pages: Before chaper one
Younger- Ali, Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hanna were about to have the end-of-seventh-grade slumber party in Spencers sister Melissa's barn and spencer was telling Ali where it was going to be. -
Chapter two
Spencer has a memory of Ali before she disapeard. Ali was mad at spencer saying that she takes everything from her. She thought Spencer was trying to take Ian from her so Ali humilated Spencer, then Spencer shoved Ali.
Afterwards Spencers mom, Mrs.Hastings tell Spencer she can take the credit for Melissas paper for the Goldin Orchid she also tells Spencer and Melissa that they have to bond so there going to Stone harbor, at their Nanas house. -
Chapter one
Aria, Emily, Specer, Hanna, Mona...Ect
Are in the hospital because Hanna got hit by a white van in the last book because Hanna knew too much- Who A was. -
Chapter 3
Emily is on a airplane to meet her aunt and uncles house
Afterwards at Emilys Aunts and Uncles house they notify her that she'll be sharing a room with Abby.
Abby changes into diffrent clothes and and dosnt look so much country style anymore and brings Emily somewhere.
"You'll see" Abby says -
Chapter 4
Hannas in a hospital but shes having a dream
It was like a memory but she was there and could see a younger version of herself. She kept trying to get Alis attention to tell her something horrible was about to happen soon. But Ali assured her she'd be okay. "Dont worry," Ali said softly in Hannas ear. "I'm okay.'