Ulysses S. Grant Commits Suicide
After being kicked from the millitary, Grant was forced to live a civvilian life. After multiple failed attempts at farming and business, he was forced to take up selling wood by the streets. Struggling with drinking problems, constant taunting and low income, Ulysses S. Grant ended his life on this 5/11/1879 -
Fort Henry and Fort Donalson
On February 5th,1862 the 21st Illonios Volunteer Regiment launched a combined attack on the Confederate Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Their attack failed due to lack of proper organization and military command. The Union army was forced to retreat and the 21st Illonios Volunteer Regiment was killed. -
The 1864 Presidential Election
The 1864 presidentional election happened between current Union president Abraham Lincoln and Civil War General George B. McClellan. Due to Lincoln's failure to end the war and appoint more appropriate generals, the new president become George B. McClellan. -
End of the Civil War
Due to the lack of a proper military general, and an ever peaceful President George B. McClellan, the Union makes peace with the Confederacy. In the Indian Territory, a The Treaty of America is signed by Union president McClellan and Confederate president Davis. The treaty states that the Union and the Confederacy will remain two seperate countries, and all of the Louisiana Purchase will remain part of the Union. -
Slavery Legalized
Confederate Preident Jefferson Davis and Vice President Robert Lee combine force to legalize slavery in the Confederate States of America. Slavery rises higher than ever and brute forces is being used much more. -
Slavery Abolished
Due to the incoming of numerous immagrents from all over the world, the Confederate States no longer had the need for slaves. Instead of letting slaves become full citizens, they instead abolished slavery, and made all African Americans low class citizens. This meant lower wages, segregation, and extreme discremenation. -
End of the Great War
On November 3, 1920, the Great War ended with a victory for the Allied Forces. Many historians debate over the fact that had the United States and the Confederate States of America joined the war, it may have ended earlier with less causualties. Nobody wanted a repeat of this war, so a League of Nations was made, which neither the Union or the Confederacy were allowed to join. -
Confederacy joins WW1
On December 7, 1941 the Confederate States of Americajoined the first World War after Japenese Kamikaze pilots attacked Pearl Harbor. The Confederacy has declared war on Japan, and therefore Germany as well. They have become allies with the United Kingdom and France. The Union has decided to stay out of the war. -
2nd Civil War Begins
.Union General Dwight D. Eisonhower has persuaded Union president Franklin D. Rossevelt. and instead attack the Confederate States of America. His reasons were to regain the the states that had seceded from the Union during the 1st Civil War and to abolish slavery in America, something which many Union citizens had thought was going on to long. -
End of the 2nd Civil War
Though the Confederate army had pulled as many troops out of the World War to defend the Confederacy, they failed. Due to their lack of power and supplies, the Confederate states easily fell to the Union, creating a whole United States of America once more. Confederate President Stephens was stripped of all power, as were all men in the Confederate government. Slaverey was also officialy abolished. The United States felt no need to go back into World War 1. -
Victory In Europe.
Hitler's army makes one last push, but fails to take control of England. They are instead cornered by the United Kingdom and Russia. Hitler is captured and is forced to surrender, meaning Victor in Europe. The only remaining enemy was the Empire of Japan. Everyone agreed that the war would have ended earlier had the United States joined the war earlier. -
FDR Assasinated
Former Confederate supporter John Wilkes Booth assasinates United States president Franklin D. Roosevalt. Booth was an avid supporter of the Confederate states and slavery and was seeking revenge on the man responsible for the end of both of them.