Jan 1, 1111
Fredrick Dent Grant, Ulysses S Grant ("Buck")' Jesse Root Grant, Ellen (Nellie) Grant Sartoris Jones -
Ulysses S Grants parents are Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant -
Fathers Occupation
Ulysses S Grants father was leather tanner -
The first major Union Victory
Ulysses S Grant was a general in the civil war and he was leading the Union Army to fight the Battle of Appomattox. Ulysses S Grant and Union Army won Appomattox. -
Losing Every Thing
After Ulysses retired he moved onto the farm where his wife Julia Boggs Grant grew up. When his wife died he as by him self all alone. He was just noticing that he has throat cancer and when he was president he traveled the world he lost over $400,000 and he got bankrupt and lost EVERYTHING -
Signed amendment
When Ulysses S Grant was president he signed the 15th amendment -
Battle of Shiloh
Grant had great success in his command of troops. At the Battle of Shiloh he helped defeat a huge Confederate Army and was hailed a hero. -
Denied It
People were trying to pass something called the Private Relief Bill and Ulysses S Grant denied it -
Dodging Real Initials
Ulysses S Grant's real name was Hiram Ulysses Grant but he changed his name so he wouldn't have HUG as his initials -
Ulysses was a Presbyerian;Methodist -
First To
Ulysses S Grant was the first ever president to have both of his parents alive while he was in office. -
Dismantle of the KKK
After the Civil War many people didn't thought there was going to be more rights for the black people so old confederate men decided to make KKK to make violent crimes towards blacks and that's when Ulysses S Grant stepped in and stopped them. -
Building of the Brooklyn Bridge
When Ulysses S Grant was president many things happened he signed the 15th amendment and the Civil Rights Act pf 1875. When he was president the start of the Brooklyn Bridge came. -
Ulysses S Grant was born April 27, 1822 Point Pleasant, Ohio -
Ulysses went to U.S. Military Academy at West Point -
Ulysses S Grant married Julia on August 22, 1848 -
Ulysses S Grant Nickname
Ulysses S Grants Nickname came from when he was in the civil war. He was leading the union army to Appomattox and when they thought they were going to fight they had a surprise the enemy surrendered now his name is "the Hero of Appomattox" -
Mexican Battle
Ulysses fought in the Mexican war as a colonel then later was raised to a brigadier General. -
News Worthy Events
The night when Abraham was going to the theater he invited Ulysses S Grant to join him, but he declined to go with his wife and go see his children. Little did he know he was going to get assassinated with Abraham too. -
Political Party
Ulysses S Grant was a Republican -
Date Elected to office
Ulysses S Grant was elected into office in 1869-1877 -
The Railroad
While Ulysses was president people were building a railroad track but not just a ordinary railroad. This railroad connected the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific joined this railroad was called Transcontinental Railroad. -
Day He Left Office
Ulysses S Grant left office in March 4, 1877 -
Retire Place
Both Ulysses and his wife Julia wanted to retire at a farm called the White House Farm. -
Military Experiance
Ulysses S Grant was in the civil war as a general from 1822-1885 -
Ulysses S Grant Death
Ulysses S Grant died of a throat cancer called Esophageal Cancer -
Ulysses S Grant Burial Place
Ulysses S Grant was buried in New York City at a place named after him Grants Tomb -
When did Ulysses S Grant die
Ulysses S Grant died July 23, 1885 cause of throat cancer from smoking to many cigars a day. -
Where did Ulysses S Grant die
Ulysses S Grant died in Wilton, NY -
When did Julia Boggs Grant die
Ulysses died before Julia did because of heart and kidney failures.