Treaty of Versailles
Was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers that officially ended World War I which took place in Paris at a peace conference. Nonetheless, the conditions in the treaty were quite vindictive upon the people of Germany. -
The Great Depression
Amid the Great Depression extreme right-wing parties emerged in Germany. Economic growth was halted by the Depression, which then lead to fascist rulers using the Depression as a justification of state control of the economy. This revitalized national pride and reduced unemployment, amoung other things. -
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor
President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Hitler as chancellor leading Hitler into dictatorship. This is Hitler's first achievement through politics that unfold future events leading to Hitlers demand and avidity for Germany to be the most dominant nation. -
Adolf Hitler becomes President of Germany
Following the death of the former president, Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler assums presidency and becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Fuhrer ("leader"). -
Luftwaffe is Reformed
After naval air units had been disbanded by 1920 under terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The Luftwaffe, a aeriel warfare branch, was reestablished. Hermann Göring was commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe until April 1945. -
Hitler Inaugurates Nuremburg
Anti-Semitic laws assured that all people of different background other than German were treated unjustly, especially the jewish people. For discrimination to be effective, it was essential to have a clear definition of who was or was not a Jew. This law greatly deprived them of their German citizenship as well as their very being. -
The Munich Agreement
In order to appease Hitler in prospect of avoiding another war, the British Prime Minister, Chamberlain, met Hiter and other leaders in Munish (without the presence of Czechoslovakia). In this meeting Sudetenland was turned over ro Germany. -
Britain & France Declare War on Germnay
In response to the invation of Poland on the 1st of september, 1939 both Britain and France sent an ultimatum to Hitler and demanding the withdrawl from Poland. Because Hitler declined to respond and the progressive aggression in parts of Europe, Britain and France declare war on Germany, and prevent further dictatorship of Europe