
Ultranationalism in Japan

  • WW1

    Japan sent a list of demands to China that would give them significant economic and political power. China refused, but after the treat of Invasion they gave in and the demands of Japan were fufilled. China supplied most resources needed to drive Asian industries.
  • Expansionism

    After the first war Japan acquires most of Germany Asian and pacific colonies due to the alliance with Britian. Giving them more land which inturnmeant more power.
  • Period: to

    inter war period

  • New government comes to power

    New government comes to power in Japan. Vice-Minister of freign Affairs Kaku Mor, had strong ties and urged interventionist policies in Manchuria and other parts of China.
  • Great Depression

    This resulted int he break down of internationsal trade and gave opertunity secret societies to gain more power.Due to the lack of trade Japan resorted to Manchuria.
  • Manchuria

    Due to the Great Depression Japan needed resources for food and more land this lead to the brutal invasion of Manchuria. The over throwing of Manchuria, this gave japan raw materials, more land for the growing population, as well as more power for military.
  • Amau Doctrine

    Japan assumed all responsibility for Peace in Asia.
  • China

    After the sucess of taking control of Manchuria, Japan then bagan in pursuit of China. This lead to the death of 1260000 chinese soilders and civians and over 90000 chinese soilders surrendered.
  • Aligning of Asian countries

    Co-Prosperity Sphere was announced and this was used to justify imperialist expansion throughout Asaia.The international intent was to align Aisian countries with Japan, free of Western colonialism and domination.