Ultranationalism in Japan

  • Period: to

    The Interwar Period

  • WWI

    -Allowed Japan to acquire most of Germany's Asian and Pacific colonies due to its alliance with Britain
  • End of WWI

    -The end of the first world war brought about a slowing of Japanese production and a decline in the status of its military.
  • New Government Comes to Power

    -Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Kaku Mori urged interventionist ploicies in Manchuria and other parts of China.
  • The Great Depression

    Japan, an island nation with few natural resources, relied on foreign trade. When the Great Depression hit the world, counties no longer imported Japanese luxuries such as silk.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

  • Invasion of china

    -Japanese soldiers entered the Chinese city of Nanking, where 90 000 Chinese soldiers had surrendered.
    -Over a 6 week period, the Japanesearmy had tortured and killed at least 26 000 Chinese soldiers and civilians.
    -Between 20 000 and 80 000 Chinese females aged 8 to 70 were raped then killed.
  • Amau Doctrine

    -After the invasion of China, Japan issued the Amau Doctrine, which stated that Japan assumed responsibility for peace in Asia.
  • Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    -Was created to justify imperialist expansion throughout Asia.
    -Wanted to align Asian countries with Japan.