
Ultranationalism in German

  • The Paris Peace Conference

    This conference resulted in the creation of the Treaty of Versailles, this allowed the victors to promote their national interests while dampering Germany.
  • Period: to

    interwar period

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty required germany to ;
    reduce army to only 100000 men
    no air force of navy
    gave up all colonies
    Rhineland was demilitraized
    had to recognize new countries
    had to pay 33 billion dollars
  • Hitler comes to power

    Hitler comes to power in Germany
  • The Great Depression

    Germany struggled to pay its reparations of the war, the Western world went into economic depressed which lead to the crash of the stock market.
    Left wing parties gained power in Britian and ring wing paries arose in Germany and Italy.
    Germany and Italy became self-sufficient and this gave them a stronf sense of nationalism.
  • Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party

    Hitler saw that Germany needed to regain great status and the treaty was the source of all Germanys problems. Hitler pulled Germany for the League of Nations and began to break conditions of the treaty and rearm the military.
    A great Germany required more land,
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis burned down jewish homes and businesse, and assulted many Jews. more than 600 synagogues were raided and close to 300 hundred were set on fire.Hundreds of Jwes were injured and 96 killed. totalt of 30000 jwes were arrested and put into camps.
  • Germany acquires more land

    HItler took back sudetenland then occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • Invaded Poland

    Hitler turned to Poland both for land and power, this lead to the beginning of the second world war.