Stalin takes complete control of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, introduces the First Five Year Plan with Collectivisation and Industrialization as the goals. -
Arrest of 700 members and show trial of a fictitious SVU (Union for the Liberation of Ukraine) accused of wanting an independent Ukraine -
Concentration is Hell
1,500,000 to 2,000,000 farmers are sent to Siberia, are executed, or sent to concentration camps with their families. -
Orthodox Church is liquidated and leaders are imprisoned or executed. -
The Benginning of the end ....
40% of harvest in Ukraine to be handed over to the government. Little is left for the farmers. Farmers live off their depleted reserves and small plots and farm animals. -
NO help
Widespread starvation in Ukraine, the Kuban and the Caucasus. Dec. 14, 1932 Secret decree blames Ukrainization, national tendencies, for grain problems. Red Cross, Cardinal Innitzer demand permission to send famine relief; Moscow denies famine and rejects relief. -
Due to the fact that most of the world was some how unaware of this the famine slowly stopped when some relief was finally let it after stalins death.