Britain joined the European Community.
Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath took Britain in. -
Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson had a referendum on Britain’s membership – the last national referendum this country has had. 66% voted yes – to stay in the European Community -
The Single European Act
The Single European Act was signed. This was to create an internal market; “an area without frontiers in which the free movement of goods and persons, services and capital is ensured.” -
The Maastricht Treaty
The Maastrict Treaty was signed. The heart of this was to create a single European currency so that Europe as an entity had a currency to challenge the international supremacy of the dollar. Britain, lead by Tory Prime Minister John Major, pushed for and got an “opt out” clause for Britain. This meant that we were part of the European Community and wanted to be a part of it, but not to participate in a single currency, therefore, maintaining the pound should we decide to do so. -
The European Union was formed
The European Union was formed -
The Euro was introduced
Britain has it Five Tests – if these are answered successfully, then Britain will join the Euro. British public opinion does not appear to support the Euro as the first month of its life draws to an end.