• Compulsions Analysis Founded

    Mary Ann Maclean and Robert Moor married and subsequently founded the religion.
  • Process Church was founded

    Moor, Maclean, and 30 other members of Compulsions analysis founded the church in Nassau.
  • Church increases influence in US

    The church began to change into a evangelistic organisation, and focused efforts on recruiting members. These members then opened a library and a 24hr coffee shop in New York.
  • Period: to

    Group focuses their efforts to within the United States

  • Authorities investigate religion for connection To Manson Family

    The police investigated the religion and its founders for connections to the Manson family killings, tarnishing the groups reputation.
  • Church Split into two different sects, where both eventually faded away.

    The owners divorced, and due to differing ideas for the churches future they split the church in two. Over time these two churches would fade away into different businesses.