UFO sightings (Alien theories are nothing new and they have baffled people through the years.)
By raime3
Sign Project
this was a project made to love over UFO sightings. In December of 1947 they looked over 243 alleged sightings but nothing concrete came out of said investigations as stated in their public statement “No definite and conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove or disprove the existence of these unidentified objects as real aircraft of unknown and unconventional configuration.”. -
Roswell Crash
The Roswell crash was an incident where a rancher in New Mexico found a mysterious wreckage. They believed it to be associated with aliens and even someone on the investigation said they haven't seen any material like the one in the wreckage. Ultimately the government chalked it up to a fallen weather balloon but some also say that it was actually a US spy balloon. -
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Area 51
Through the 50s and 60s, there has been speculation of alien activity in Area 51. These speculations stemmed from a sighting of aircraft that came in and out of Area 51 that were mistaken as Ufos. This speculation would only grow in 1989 when a man named Robert Lazar would claim to have worked with alien tech in Area 51 to a local news reporter, this claim sparked many conspiracies about the facility as a whole. -
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Blue Book Project
Project blue book was another project that studied UFOs. They were able to compile 12,000 sightings of alleged UFOs and sorted them according to evidence to back them up. -
Hopkinsville encounter
This encounter involved 11 people claiming to have seen a "little man" with an oversized head. their account on the event from the police were bizarre but they were all genuinely filled with terror, one of the people’s pulses was about 140 bpm. this encounter shaped how people depict aliens today in media. -
Hopkinsville encounter: Primary Source
One of their accounts were taken and it describes the events that unfolded with the encounter. the paper states that he saw a shining object from just outside of his window looking in and described the alien as "monkey-like". -
Betty and Barney ufo incident
In Lancaster, New Hampshire Betty and Barney claimed to have seen a bright light and a mysterious looking object in the sky and they both described it in great detail. When investigated later it was proven that they were not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.