• 1951

    treaty of Paris, CECA
  • 1957

    signature of the traties of Rome CEE.
  • 1965

    signature of the merger treaty: common institutions.
  • 1973

    accession of the UK, Ireland and Denmark CE-9.
  • 1981

    accession of Greece CE-10.
  • 1986

    accession of Spain and Portugal CE-12.
  • 1992

    signature of the Maastricht treaty, reunification of Germany.
  • 1995

    accession of Austria, Sweden and Finland UE-15
  • 1997

    signature of the treaty of Amsterdam.
  • 2001

    signature of the treaty of Nizza
  • 2002

    introduction of the Euro.
  • 2004

    accession of Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lettonia, Estonia, Lithuania, Cyprus and Malta UE-25
  • 2007

    accession of Bulgaria and Romania UE-27
  • 2007

    signature of the treaty of Lisbon
  • 2013

    accession of Croatia UE-28
  • 2020

    UK exit from UE.