
U3 A1: World War Two Major Events

  • Hitler becomes Cancellor

    Hitler becomes Cancellor
    Adolf Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany by stirring up the distaste the Germany had for the Treaty of Versaillles and what it did to Germany. After Hitler gained his power, he began to realize his desire to restore Germany's status in Europe. He began re-arming his troops. What was important about this event is that when Hitler became the Cancellor, he gain a lot of power and was able to carry out of his plans, which ended up in a war.
  • Hitler Reclaims the Rhineland Territories

    Hitler Reclaims the Rhineland Territories
    In March of 1936, Hitler reclaiming the Rhineland territories that had been taken form Germany in 1919. Since there was a lack of French enemies, this allowed him more freehard to pursue the policy of anschluss or uniting Germany with Austria. Hitler was also able to intervene in Austrian politics, allowed the Nazi party to expand and make an influence in Austria. This event is important because it is the start of Germany's plan to slowly take over the world, by taking what used to be theirs.
  • Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia

    Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia
    In 1938, HItler announced his plans to attack Czechoslovakia in a single, massive operation. Since the French and British didn't want to join another war, they allowed Hitler to take Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. This event is important because taking Czechoslovakia let them gain more power. In WW1, Germany lost about 10 to 13% of their territory, so now they were reclaiming what was lost in WW1.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Sometime in September of 1939, Germany and Soviets (Russians) invades Poland and this begins WW2. France, Great Britain, and Canada decalre war on Germany. This event is important because when Germany invaded Poland to gain more land, Great Britain and France declared war and Canada felt some ties to Great Britain, so they joined to help fight.
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    Many Invasions

    In April, the Soviets invade Finland.
    In Mar, Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
    In July, Germany invades Holland, Belgium and France.
    In August, the Soviets occupy Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
    In September, Italy attacks the British Somaliland.
    In October, Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the "Axis" pact.
    italy attacks Greece, Germany attack Romania. These events are important because this shows the chaos that occured during WW2, all the battles going on and fights for territories.
  • Hitler and Russia's Stalin controls Europe

    Hitler and Russia's Stalin controls Europe
    Sometime in the sumer of 1940, Hitler and Russia's Stalin controlled all of Europe. Britain was getting ready to fight alone, but they were supported by Canada and other dominions & colonies. This event is important because now that Hitler and Russia controlled all of Europe, more and more countries got involved into the war fighting for territories and invasions, etc.
  • Yugoslavia surrenders, Germany invades the Soviets.

    Yugoslavia surrenders, Germany invades the Soviets.
    On March 27th, 1941, Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis. On June 22nd, 1941, Germany invades the Soviet Union, ending their secret treaty with each other. This event is important because while they gained more power with the fall of Yugoslavia, Germany did not take over the Soviet Union as they expected. After months of fighting, the Germans weren't well eqiuped for Winter warfare, so the Soviets launched a counter attack and force the Germans out.
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    Many Invasions (2)

    In January, Japan invades Dutch colonies in the pacific.
    In April, Japanese troops invade Burma and the Philippines.
    In May, the bombing runs of Germany begins.
    In June, the mass murder of Jews by gas starts at Auschwitz.
    In August, Canadian troops make a raid on the French port of Dieppe.
    In September, the Brtiish and Australians counter-attack the Japanese forces at the pacific. These events are important because it shows the gain and loss of certain territories and battles of countries.
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    Many Invasions (3)

    In February, Germans surrender at the Stalingrad. This was the first big defeat of Hitler's armies.
    In July, Allies, including Canadians, invade Sicily in the first invasion of Axis-held Europe. Also, the Russian tanks defeat Germans at Kursk.
    In December the US forces capture Guadalcanal Island, the first step to attacking Japan. Meanwhie, Canadian troops take park in the fierce battle for Ortona, Italy. These events are important because they show how the Allies are slowly reclaming the land.
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    Many Invasions (4)

    In March, US trrops in the Pacific begin to close in on Japan.
    In June, "D-Day", Allies invade Normandy to begin the liberation of France. Canadian troops land on three of five beaches.
    In August, Allies liberate Paris from Germans.
    In October, Allies take over Aachen, a German city.
    In December, German's final counterattack on the allies, called the Battle of the Bulge, fails. Canadian troops begin the liberation of Holland. Russian troops advance through Poland towards Germany.
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    Many Invasions (4) PART 2

    These events are important because they show how the war is slowly coming to an end, with the Allies slowly regaining the land and winning more wars.
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    Ending The War

    In January, Auschwitz death camp is liberated by the Russians.
    In April, Russian troops enter Berlin, Hitler commits suicide out of fear of being capture.
    In May, Germany surrenders. Victory in Europe Day. (V-E)
    In July, US troops capture Okinawa, the first Japanese "home islands".
    In August, atomic bombs are dropped on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders, V-J Day, and the war comes to an end. These events are important because it shows how the end ends.