U.S.S. CHESAPEAKE by Georgia and Jadyn

  • Attack and Search

    The Chesapeake was under command of Commodor James Barron, when the Leopard encountered and hailed the American ship. 3 members were killed and 18 were injured, including Barron.
  • Spring of 1807 (before)

    It was the spring of 1807 and the Napoleonic Wars where still going on. Numbers of British naval vessels were on duty on the North American Station, blocking 2 French warships from their British Chesapeake Bay.
  • Information about the U.S.S. Chesapeake

    It occured off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia on June 22, 1807. As a result it was a British victory. The Cheaspeake was caught unprepared and after a short battle involving broadsides from the Leopard, her commander, James Barron. Four crew memebers from our American vessel were removed and put into the British after firing one shot at us.
  • Firing of the USS Chesapeake

    The USS Chesapeake was fired upon the Leopard off of Norfolk, Virginia.
  • The Embargo Act of 1807

    There was also the Embargo Acts of 1807 which also had an interference with the U.S.S. Chesapeake. This was basiclly President Thomas Jefferson and U.S. Congress' way of punishing France and Britian for interfering with our American trade ships. From 1807 to 1812, this act kept American ships from going to foreign trade.
  • U.S Declares War 1812

    This war was against the Britiish. The Americans declared war on the British. On August 16, 1812 Detroit surrendered to the British.
  • Aftermath

    President Thomas Jefferson noted to the outraged Americans: "Never since the Battle of Lexington have I seen this country in such a state of esasperation as at present, and and even that did nto produce such unamity." (unamity-agreement by all people involved; consensus.)
  • US bombards Ft. George

    The US bombards and destroys Ft. George. On May 27, 1813, US troops capture Ft. George. ON May 29, British fail to capture Sackets Harbor. And finally on June 1, 1813, HMS Shannon defeat USS Chesapeake and tows her captive to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • 2 big wars that were around at that time

    A few other wars that were going on before and during the U.S.S. Chesapeake. One was the Napoleonic Wars. The Capture of U.S.S. Chesapeake was also a part of the War of 1812 (United States and the United Kingdom).

    The HMS Shannon was pretty identical to the U.S.S Chesapeake but only the HMS Shannon's crew was slighty larger and a duel between the two ships seemed attractive to the captians.
    (HMS-His/her majesty service)
  • The Capturing

    The HMS caught the Chesapeake and the British took her and put her up for sale. Most of the ship's parts are part of the Chesapeake Mill.
  • Battle of Beaver Dams

    This war occured during the war of 1812. Marched by Fort George and attempted to surprise a British outpost of Beaver Dams.