U.S. Political Parties

  • Period: to

    U.S. Political Parties History

  • Anti Federalist Party

    • The Anti Federalist Party is founded
    • Also known as Jeffersonian Republicans or Democratic-Republicans
    • Jefferson's followers are more sympathetic to common man
    • Jefferson believes in strict constructionist view of Constitution
  • Federalist Party

    • The Federalist Party is formed
    • Party of rich and well-born
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    • founded by Andrew Jackson
    • lead by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren
    • believe in democracy ruled by commoners
  • Democratic Party

    • Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party rises to power
    • formed from Democratic-Republicans
  • Republican Party

    • founded in 1854
    • Lincoln would lead the party throughout his campaign and his presidency
    • dominated until 1932
  • Modern Republicans

    • 1932-2022
    • adhere to tradition
    • don't increase taxes
    • raise spending on military
    • anti abortion
    • individual rights and justice rule supreme
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    • Roosevelt elected to presidency
    • southerners, organized labor, small farmers, big-city political organizations
    • focused on economic programming and social welfare
  • Modern Democrats

    • 1945-2022
    • open to change
    • minimum wage progressive taxation
    • decrease spending on the military
    • pro abortion
    • community and the people are socially responsible