Period: to
Spanish American War
This war arose from three years of fighting between Cuban revolutionaries and the Spanish, as well as the fact that the Spanish refused an ultimatum with the United States, who were in support with Cuba, America won the war, gaining indepence for Cuba from Spain. It concluded with the Treaty of Paris. -
Chile Ultimatum
US demanded that the Chile foreign minister must withdraw form the Baltimore affair, repay and apologize to the United States for the attack of the mob on the Baltimore's sailors in Valparaiso or relations between the two countries will cease. -
Puerto Rico Military Invasion and Territorial Acquisition
US Military Seized Puerto Rico from Spain, and occupation continues.The US targeted Puerto Rica because it was one of two of Spain's principle possetions in the Caribbean and the US was currently engaged in war with Spain. -
Period: to
Cuba Occupation
1898-1902: US using sinking of ship as an excuse to take Cuba from Spain. US still hold navy base even though they violated Guantanamo Treaty.
1906-09: US Marines invade in order to control democratic election
1912: Troops sent in to protect U.S. commercial interests.
1917-33: Troops create Military occupation, Cuba becomes economic protectorate. -
Peurto Rico establishes a civil government
Popular participation in the government was less than under Spain's rule. Puerto Rico became first US unincorporated territoy and the new goverment contained an American governer with 5 Puerto Rican cabinet members. -
Democrats Raise Imperialism as as Issue
McKinly administration worked towards allowing a Cuban government and withdrawing America troops. McKinley summoned a convention in Cuba to draft a constitution under the America military governor, General Leonard Wood. -
China and theOpen Door Policy
Open Door policy was a statement by the United Stats for the protection of equal privelages among countries interested in commerce with China abd in support of Chinese official and land integrity. John Hay, the secretary of state of the United States, issued the statement by circular notes to Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia. It was received with almost total improval and helped build foreign policy. -
Platt Amendment
The Amendment restricted Cuba's autonomy in diplomatic relations with other countries and in internal financial policies, required that Cuba turn naval bases over to the United States and authorize U.S. intervention in Cuban independence. -
Insular Cases
Supreme Court eliminated the ability of Congress to degrade Puerto Rica's statehood. -
Colombia Military Intervention
US preposed Hay-Herran Treaty which Colombian Senate Refused to ratify. The Treaty called for United States purchase of Territory now Panama but was part of Colombia. United States encouraged rebellios uprising of Panamanians and used war ships to stop interference from Columbia. -
Period: to
Building of the Panama Canal
Built for the reason that American and British leaders and buisnessmen wanted to ship goods quickly and cheapy between Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The US and Great Britain negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty to agree on a Canal through Nicaragua. After the United States acquisition of the Canal, the building cite of the Panama Canal changed and through compensation to Panama, the United States gained control and completed the Canal in 1914. -
Panama Acquisition of Canal Zone
After United States Intervention with Panamanian Rebels, Panama succesffully become Republic of Panama. Bunau-Varilla, French Representitive of Panama and the United States, quickly negotiated a treaty giving the United States 20 mile wide zone and authority to govern the Panema the Canal Zone. -
Period: to
Dominican Rpublic Military and Administrative Intervention: Occupation
Troops sent in to protect U.S. commercial interests leads to 8 year occupation of Dominican Republic -
Russo-Japanese War and the Treaty of Portsmouth
Russia and Japan have conflict over land and port ownership, they engage in many battles with high casualties and high economic costs. They asked Theodore Roosevelt to negotioate peace. Treaty of Portsmouth ended the war and it was created with Theodore Roosevelt trying to maintain equal power and oppurtunity. -
Period: to
Nicaragua Occupation
10-year US occupation, fought guerillas -
Period: to
Mexico Military Intervention
Americans evacuated during revolution.
Series of interventions against nationalists. -
Period: to
Haiti Occupation
19-year military occupation after revolts against US control. -
Puerto Ricans Gain RIghts
Peurto Ricans gain citizenshp and greatr rights, island remains unincorporated with U.S. Under control of US governer -
Hunger and Poverty Widespread in America
Under the new governer hunger and poverty in Puerto Rico were widespread. Puerto Ricans move to America to gain better rights, and better job opportunities.