U.S intervention in the Middle East

By joyb20
  • SAUDI ARIBA First contact with americans via Misnary doctors in Bahrain

  • Period: to

    U.S intervention in the Middle East sence 1920

  • SADIA ARABIA Founder asked Americans for help in finding oil

  • SAUDIA ARABIA oil company depends on Sadia Arabia

  • SYRIA the CIA backs a coup to ausst the elceted a leader

  • IRAN The CIA backs a coup to aussed Mossadlegh

  • IRAN oil is privatized with the US in control

  • SYRIA U.S atemps to disruped the merger of Egypt and Syria

  • U.S provides support to Kurdish rebels in atempt to get rid the country of communism

  • IRAQ U.S supports a coup to rid the country of communist influence

  • SAUDI ARABIA Oil embargo inforced by S.A limites the supply of oil for the U.S

  • IRAQ and IRAN U.S supports Kurdish rbels in away to weaken Iraq and strengthen Iran

  • U.S removes support for the Kurds due to an end of fighting between Iraq and Iran

  • IRAN Irainian hostage crisis Rebels stormed the U.S.Embassy and took control,held 52 people hostage for 16 months

  • IRAQ Iraq vs Iran war begins.U.S renews ties with Iraq

  • IRAN Iran Contra Affair U.S is cought selling weapons to Iran.

  • IRAN U.S mistakenly shoots down an Iranian passenger plane,killing 290 people

  • IRAQ Iraq launches chemical wepon attack agaist the Kurds U.S continues to support Iraqi gov't

  • IRAQ U.S invades Iraq after Iraq invade Kuwait."Operation Desert Storm"

  • IRAN U.S. renews trade ban

  • IRAQ U.S. led sanctions aganist Iraq

  • IRAQ U.S. funds anti-Saddam Hussein groups

  • SAUDI ARABIA 9/11 attacks in NYC and D.C 17/19 hijackers were Saudia nationals,damages the relationship between U.S. and S.A.

  • IRAN and IRAQ Pres.Bush calls these 2 countries part of the "Axis of Evil"

  • IRAQ U.S. invades in order to remove WMD's;eventully arrest and execute Saddam Hussein

  • IRAN major earthquake kills 50,000; U.S. supplies direct humanitarian aid

  • IRAN President of Iran sends a letter to President Bush asking to open dialoge; no response from President Bush

  • IRAQ U.S. pulls combat troops out of Iraq,the country descends into civil war

  • SYRIA Pres.Obama prroposes strikes against Syria after they were found to have used chemical wepons