United states flag patriotism

U.S. in World Affairs

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was between North and South Korea in which the United States help defend the South from North Korea that was being allied by China and the Soviet Union.
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    Korean War

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The war was fought between North Korea, who was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies. And South Korea, who was supported by the United States and other non-communist allies. The prolonged war was viewed as having no way to win.
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    Vietnam War

  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    A paramilitary group Brigade 2506 was trained by the U.S. CIA in order to invade Cuba. This invasion failed.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba and the United States told them to remove their missiles. The Soviet Union responded by telling the United States to remove thier missiles from Turkey.
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
    President Richard Nixon visits China and the Soviet Union. There Nixon and Brezhnev sign the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, also referred to as SALT. SALT was a talk on the issue of armament control.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Peace treaty signed to establish peace in Vietnam and end the Vietnam War. This peace treaty ended the direct U.S. military involvement and temporarily stopped the fighting between North and South Korea.
  • Oil Embargo

    Oil Embargo
    Embargo placed on oil sent to U.S. because the nation suported Isreal in October War.
  • Panama Canal Zone

    Panama Canal Zone
    In 1904 the Republic of Panama granted the United States in perpetuity the use, contruction, protection of Panama Canal. Later the U.S. signs the Carter Treaties agreeing to return the Canal Zone and control of canal to Panama by 1999.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    President Jimmy Carter sponsors peace talks between Egypt and Isreal.
  • U.S. and China

    U.S. and China
    The U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Tiawan thereby meeting the Communist Chinese precondition for the reestablishment of diplomatic relations.
  • U.S. response to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    U.S. response to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
    The U.S. relations with the Soviets reached its breaking point when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. The U.S., under Carter's presidency, places an embargo on sales of American grain to Soviet Union, boycotts Moscow Olympic games, and delays completion of SALT II.
  • Reagan's invasion of Grenada

    Reagan's invasion of Grenada
    The U.S. invaded the Caribbean island, Grenada, which in a matter of weeks resulted in a U.S. victory. The invasion was triggered by the Marxist revolution in the Caribbean nation.
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    Reagan's invasion of Grenada

  • Iran weapons deal

    Iran weapons deal
    The American public learns that the U.S. secretly sold weapons to Iran in hopes of gaining release of American hostages in Lebanon.
  • U.S. invades Panama

    U.S. invades Panama
    Code named Operation Just Cause, it occured during administration of George H. W. Bush. The invasion also lead to the capturing of Manual Noriega.
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    U.S. invades Panama

  • Bush and Gorbachev

    Bush and Gorbachev
    Bush and Gorbachev wound up a summit meeting in Washington without reaching an agreement over German reunification. Which led the way for a pact between the two superpowers to halt production of chemical weapons.
  • Persain Gulf War

    Persain Gulf War
    Codenamed Operation Desert Shield, was a war started by 34 nations led by the U.S. against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
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    Persain Gulf War

  • 9/11 attack on U.S.

    9/11 attack  on U.S.
    A series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda in New York City and in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
  • Election of Barack Obama

    Election of Barack Obama
    The 56th quadrennial presidential election. Obama was America's first African American president.