U.S. Imperialism

By btimmer
  • Matthew Perry vist Japan

    When Perry vist Japan he was on a steamship which the Japanese though it was a gaint dragons puffing smoke. becasue they want used to the new techgoloy that the U.S used
  • U.S. Takes Over Midway Islands

  • Seward Buys Alaska

    The Secretary of state bought Alaska from Russia for about $7.2 million
  • U.S. Signs Treaty, Builds Pearl Harbor

  • First International Pan American Conference

  • First International Pan American Conference

  • Jose Marti Starts Cuban Revolution

  • U.S. Annexes Hawaii

    When McKinley became Presiden of Hawaii and wanted to annexes the U.S but didnt sucess so in 1897 after the outbreak with the Spanish American War the congress said Hawaii was now an offical U.S territory
  • U.S. Goes to War against Spain