Period: to
U.S. History: VHS summer: Kasie Stroheker
This timeline shows the history of the united states from 1877-2011. It will help show what I have learned in this course. -
Rush of immigration - reaching it's peak
immigration to the United States reached its peak from 1880-1920.. during this time, greater ethnics started coming into America -
Organized Labor
Chicago "Anarchists." In 1886, protesting for an 8-hour work day led to the Haymarket Riot.. Workers started a riot over the 8 hour work day. this was before they were wondering if they should admit african americans or women in the work force. -
The panic of 1893 - Gilded Age
The U.S. nearly doubled in sixe during this time. New technologies and new ways of organizing business led a few individuals to the top. -
Political cartoon of rich and poor
1899 political cartoon, published in The Verdict, represents the growing disparity between the rich and poor classes in America. (The picture won't upload, but it is basically a painting of a bunch of rich americans enjoying a party and a poor man wanting to come in but not being allowed.). -
U.S. was largest industrial nation - The Gilded Age
The United States had become the largest industrial nation in the world and was no longer seen as a "playground" for the Europeans. -
Rush of immigrants
immigration to the United States reached its peak from 1880-1920.. Again, this is where the u.s. reached its peak and greater ethnics came to place