First permanent English settlement. -
Virginia House of Burgesses
First form of Representation in Colonies. -
Mayflower Compact
First written framework of Government to what is now the United States. Written by Puritans and Pilgrims. -
Fundemental Orders of Connecticut
America's first written Constitution. -
French and Indian War
The war between the French with the Indians against Britain. -
Treaty of Paris of 1763
End of the French and Indian War. -
Proclamation of 1763
Colonists were not allowed to settle west of Appalatian Mountains and Indians got the right to vote. -
Currency Act
Colonial currency system; Trade with Britain. -
Stamp Act
Taxes on anything printed on paper. -
Quartering Act
Made colonists quarter and feed Britsh soldiers. -
Townshed Act
Payed taxes on imported glass, tea, and paper. -
Boston Massacre
Boston soldiers kill 5 men. -
Tea Act
There was a tax on tea. -
Boston Tea Party
Merchants refused to unload and sell tea so they decided to throw the tea into the harbor. -
Intolerable Acts
Acts that made colonists pay for tea and keep them from planning other attacks. -
1st Continental Congress
Group of men from diffrent colonies that held meetings. They helped write the Constitution. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Wars for Independence. -
2nd Continental Congress
Central Government; they can: wage war, issue money, sign treaties, appoint ambassadors, settle conflicts between states, and best of all, SET UP POST OFFICES. -
Declaration of Independence
We become our own country and sepparate from England. -
Battle of Saratoga
The "Turning Point Battle". American victory that convinced France to form an alliance with the colonists. -
Valley Forge
Turning point of the Revolutionary War. -
Articles of Confederation Written
Document that set up the first U.S. government. -
Battle of Yorktown
Last battle; American victory. -
Articles of Confederation were in Force
Weak because of no Federal/National court, no power to enforce laws, and no power to tax. -
Treaty of Paris
Officially ended war; forced Britain to recognize American Independence. -
Constitutional Convention
Fixed Articles of Confederation; Farmers could not sell as much and payed taxes to the state. -
Great Compromise
2 House Legislature; Number of votes depended on population. -
3/5 Compromise
Counted each slave as 3/5 of a person in order to get charged less in taxes. Key Words: Slaves, Taxation, and Representation -
Constitution Written
Washington Takes Office
Bill of Rights
Document written for the purpose of guaranteeing rights on the Constitution. -
Genet Affair
The French sent a representative to the U.S., which tried to change the U.S government. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey producers were forced to pay taxes for making whiskey. -
Pinckey's Treaty
More land was gained in the South and there was trading in New Orleans. -
Jay's Treaty
Eased tension between Britain and the U.S. -
John Adams takes Office
XYZ Affair
Agents were sent to France by John Adams to figure out why they had stopped trading with the U.S. -
Alien and Sediction Acts
Protesting, freedom of press, and immigrants was not allowed anymore. -
Alien and Sediction Acts
Protesting, freedom of press, and immigrants was not allowed anymore. -
Quasi War Begins
Jefferson takes Office
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson buys land from the French, doubleing the size of the United States. -
Marbury vs. Madison
Court case where James Madison failed to deliver important documents to Marbury. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark were sent on an expedition to find a water route across North America by President Jefferson and found more than they were expected to. -
Embargo Act of 1807
All trade was stopped between the U.S. and other countries. -
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Taxes weren't payed to the National Bank by Maryland. -
Gibbons vs. Odgen
Gibbons and Odgen argued over being able or not to use a channel because they had each claimed that they could use it.