Leif Erikson discovers North America
Bartolomeu Dias has to turn back from Cape of Good Hope
Columbus sets sail on the ocean blue
Vasco de Gama able to find sea route to Asia successfully
John Cabot sailed for England and set up the basis for England's claim in North America
Vespucci credited with America being named for him
Vasco Nunez de Balboa- sees the Pacific Ocean
Martin Luther starts Protestant Reformation
Ferdinand Magellan- dies on journey but crew still circumnavigates the globe
Jacques Cartier sailed for France and set up their claim in Canada in modern day Montreal
Virginia gets established in by Sir Walter Raleigh after receiving a charter
Phillip sends his Spanish Armada to crush Queen Elizabeth but loses
Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch and English and founded the Hudson Bay
Dutch found New Netherland as a fur trading post
First slaves in America arrived by the Dutch colonists in Virginia
Pilgrims land on Plymouth Rock in MA
Maryland is established for Catholics
Thomas Hooker leaves Massachusetts Bay Colony and finds CT
William Rogers also leaves MBC to find New Jersey
Toleration Act is passed in Maryland
Charles II gave land away to eight different supporters for the Carolina Colony
The English take New Amsterdam from Dutch and it becomes New York
Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia
King Charles II will grant William Penn a charter and he will name the capital of PA, Philadelphia which means Brotherly Love
Georgia is founded as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the English Colonies under James Oglethorpe
Virginia land surveyors looking for a place to settle at Forks of the Ohio
Georgia becomes a slave colony
Half King agrees for the English and Virginians to establish a trading outpost on Forks of Ohio
George Washington is sent to peacefully ask the French to leave Ohio Country especially the Forks of Ohio
French kick out English and Virginians at the Forks of the Ohio. Make Half King look weak
George Washington shoots French diplomats in the Woods of Pennsylvania: Starts French and Indian War
George Washington surrenders at Fort Necessity on July 4
Braddock and the British forces lose 1,000 men to the French at Battle of Fort Duquesne
Battle of Lake George and stalemate for Lake Champlain Campaign
Declarations of War between France and Britain
Surrender and Massacre at Fort William Henry for the British
British lose outside of Fort Ticonderoga
British take Louisbourg
British take Fort Frontenac
British make peace with the Iroquois, Shawnee and Delaware Indians
The British recapture Fort Duquesne, rename it Pittsburgh
British win Battle of Quebec. Montcalm and Wolfe, the commanding generals of both armies, die in battle.
Montreal falls to the British; letters are signed finishing the surrender of Canada
Treaty of Paris – All French possessions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possessions west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish.