Congress meets in capitol for first time
Library of congress also founded
p 245 -
Period: to
Time of events
Marbury V. Madison
Decision establishes judicial review
p 204 -
Twelfth Amendment Added
Requires they cast separate ballots for president and vice president
p 234 -
Lewis and Clark expidition
Lewis and Clark leave St. Louis to explore western America
p 266 -
Robert Fulton designs steamboat
Robert Fulton designs steamboats to make trade easier
p 295 -
War of 1812
War of 1812 begins
p 267 -
British burns Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. is burned during the war of 1812
p 267 -
Battle of New Orleans
U.S. battles British forces in New Orleans
p 267 -
Florida Transfer
Spain gives Florida to the U.S.
p 322 -
Russia finally gives Alaska to the U.S.
p347 -
Erie Canal completed
Canal made to make trade easier
p 295 -
Congress passes Indian Removal Act
Act made to remove Indians from their homes
p 323 -
Abraham Lincoln elected
He is elected into the Illinois Legislature
p 323 -
Texans fight at the Alamo
Texans fight against Mexico at the Alamo
p 347 -
Cherokee forced to move west
Cherokee forced through the trail of tears in harsh condiitions
p 323 -
Florida becomes a state
Florida officially becomes one of the States
p 323 -
Congress declares war on Mexico
Official start of the Mexican War
p 347 -
Gold Rush begins
Gold Reush begins in California
p 347 -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
An act to let states decie if they want slavery or not
p427 -
Southern States form Confederacy
The south leaves the north to form the confederacy