U.S. History from 1800-1860

  • Ohio becmae a state

    Ohio became America's 17th state.
  • War of 1812

    War beginning in 1812. America vs Britain.
  • James Monroe bemcomes President

    James Monroe is elected into office
  • Florida Belongs to America

    Spain transfers Florida to the United States and it became an American Territory. (353)
  • Congress passes the Indian Removal Act

    President Jackson passed a law that allowed the federal government to paay Native Americans in the southeast.
  • Oregon trail

    In the 1830's, Americans in large numbers follow the Oregon Trail. Oregon was said to have very fertile soil and since economics was so bad back east, many Americans saw this as a good oppertunity.
  • McCormick Reaper is patened

    This greatly increased the amount of crop a farmer could harvest. This changed farming for everyone.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Texans fight the Battle of the Alamo. The Texans out numbered the Mexicans and were willing to fight for the land that they wanted. The Mexicans won the bloody battle.
  • Many Irish Flee to America

    Many Irish immigrants come to America to escape the famine in Ireland. (426)
  • First Women's Rights Convention

    Two women helped organize the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Both genders attended. (461)
  • California Gold Rush

    People from all across the world came to California in search of gold and riches. 80% were Americans and the remaining 20% were people from Mexico, South America, Europe, Austrailia, and China.
  • Zachary Taylor

    Taylor is elected into office
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Congress passed a bill that was meant to settle the issue of slavery and organize the region on the west side of Missouri and Iowa. (431)
  • Dred Scott

    Supreme Court makes the Dred Scott Desicion
  • The Drake Well becomes the U.S' first oil well

    The Drake is the nation's first oil well.