U.S. History Founding Fathers

  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    A protest that occurred due to Britain taxing products without representation. American colonists dumped 342 chests of tea at a Boston harbor in retaliation.
  • The Battle Of Lexington And Concord

    The Battle Of Lexington And Concord
    The battle was the starting point for the war against America's independence from Great Britain. It caused many Americans to fight for their independence.
  • The Declaration Of Independence Is Signed

    The Declaration Of Independence Is Signed
    The declaration of independence is a document that was used to show the independence of the U.S. from Great Britain due to their unjust rule.
  • The Winter At Valley Forge

    The Winter At Valley Forge
    George Washington led his troops into Valley Forge to battle against British troops. A winter hit in Valley Forge and many people's morale and health were low.
  • Articles of Confederation are Ratified

    Articles of Confederation are Ratified
    The Articles of Confederation was a written document that told the laws of the government after America became independent from Great Britain.
  • The Battle Of Yorktown

    The Battle Of Yorktown
    The battle was between America and Britain as they fought for three weeks in Yorktown. Eventually the British surrendered which was the cause of America's true independence from Great Britain.
  • The Constitution Is Ratified

    The Constitution Is Ratified
    The U.S. Constitution is ratified. The constitution declared the way the government and states would work under the U.S.A.
  • Presidential Inauguration Of George Washington

    Presidential Inauguration Of George Washington
    The first-ever president inaugurated under the United States Of America. The inauguration was held two months after Washington started his four-year term.
  • George Washington's Farewell Adress

    George Washington's Farewell Adress
    George Washington's farewell address contains a farewell from George Washington when he was about to leave office. It addresses many issues such as political parties and many things the U.S. government needs to watch out for.
  • The Death Of George Washington

    The Death Of George Washington
    George Washington died due to a throat infection. He was a president, military officer, and founding father of the U.S.
  • Election Day, 1800

    Election Day, 1800
    The first election where both parties ran candidates and campaigned. Thomas Jefferson won the election and beat Aaron Burr after a tie. This is sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800".
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    A court case that was about how Congress does not have the power to pass laws that override the constitution.