Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock 1500's
The mayflower hit the shore of what is now knwon as Massachusetts. When the crew from the Plymouth colonsy stepped out of the mayflower they saw a huge granite boulder. This big rock is now known as Plymouth rock, becasue it was located in Plymouth Harbor. This was also the second location of the pilgrim landing. -
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the time period when rural societies in both America and Europe went from rural to industrial and urban. Before the revolution all the manufacturing was mostly done in peoples homes, they used basic machines and hand tools. -
Revolutionary War
There were tensions between Great Briatian and the North american 13 colonies. Britian wasnt treating the colonies well with high taxes, and low paying jobs. Finally the colonies had enough, rebels were ready to fight for their independece from Great Britian. After eight long years the Revolutanary war came to a close with an outcome of independece form Great Britain. -
Declaration of Independence
The American colonists were fighting for their right as subjects fo the british crown. The independence rom Great Britian movement was growing as the Revolutionary war kept going. Then a five-man comitte was given the task to draft a statement telling the coloines intentions. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana purchse was when the United States purchased about 828,000,000 square miles to land from France. This land deal is one of Thomas Hefferson's most important achievements in his presidency. -
Civil War
The civil war determined what kind of nation the United states would be Confederecy or a Free country. The main reason the civil war started was because there were many differences that were unsettled between free and slave states. -
World War One started becasue of the assasination of Franz Ferdinand who was the archduke of Austri-Hungry. He was assasinated by a Serbian nationalist , after the assasination there were threats that lead to the outbreak of the war.The central powers of the war wer Germany, austria-Hungry, and the Ottoan Empire. The Allied powers wer Great Britian, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. -
Great Depression
The Great Deppression was one of the lowest points in American history. Stoks prices fell, people lost their jobs, and money. it was a time of economic decrease. -
Dust Bowl
The Dust bowl was when a large area of the Great plains had dust storms and drought. The Dust bowl is also known as the dirty thirties. The dust storms damaged the agriculture and ecology of the Us praries. -
World War Two started because of the invasion of Poland by Germany who was already ruled by Hitler. This war was the most deadliest and widespread war throughout history. The war was going on in two different side fo the world, Europe and East Asia. -
Cold War
For a long time the USSR and the U.S have had many differences. The Americans had been concerned about the leader of Russia, Joeseph Stalin, and his blood-thirsty rule of his country. While the USSR resented americans because we refused to treat Russia as a part fo the inernationlal community.All together there was lots of tension buildup throughout the years between the two, then they went to war. This was not so much about wepons and such, but more as in who can go to the moon first or who can -
The assasination of JFK
While John F.Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas for his campaign , he was riding in a motorcade through the Dealey Plaza when all of a sudden he was shot. The Wareren commision investigated for ten months and finally concluded that he was assasinated by Lee Harvey
Oswald. They also found that Oswald acted alone. -
September 11, 2001
On September 11, 2001 19 militants withthe Islamic group called al-Qaeda hijacked four planes. Two planes were flown into the Twin towers - World trade center in New York City, the third inot the pentagon, and the fourth crashed in pennsylvania. Because of this there were hundreds of deaths and now in airports we have security check point to ensure nothing like this ever happens again. -
Mala shot for going to school
Malala Yousafzai life was changed forever on the 9th of october, 2012 when Taliban gunman shot her. The reason why she was shot becasue she spoke up for girls to have to the right to be educted. Malala was in intensive care at the hospital for weeks but survived. -
New Town Shooting
On December 14, 2012Adam Lanza took his mothers .223 caliber bshmaster Model XM15 and went to Sandy hook elementry school. He shot and killed 20 first-graders and six staff members. Then after he shot them he used a Gloxk 20 pistol to commit suicide before the cops got him.