Dominique's U.S History Timeline

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    The invention of the Model T

    The Ford Model T was one of the most important vehicles that was ever built. It was sold for a little bit of money which made it easy for people to travel.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The importance of this event was that the telegram was very useful during this time to convince America that their men should be sent to fight in Europe. The telegram proved the justification for changes of policy and and intercepted communications.
  • The WWI Armistice

    The WWI Armistice
    This event ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War 1 between the allies and Germany.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    The importance of this event was that it allowed women to vote and it prohibited the government from denying their rights to vote.
  • Charles Lindbergh’s Flight

    Charles Lindbergh’s Flight
    Charles was the first ever man to successfully complete a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean
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    Black Thursday

    This event happened when panicked sellers traded about 13 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange and investors suffered $5 billion in losses.
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    The New Deal

    This period was a series of programs, public project, reforms and regulations. The purpose for this period was to help stabilize the economy and provide jobs for the people that were suffering.
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    Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    His actions towards certain events allowed him to plan series of elections and backroom door and be given the name as "Chancellor".
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    An agreement took place between France and Nazi Germany. It averted the outbreak of war but gave Czechoslovakia away to the Germans.
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    Hitler Invades Poland

    This event that was the beginning for World War 2 after the Soviet Union invaded eastern Poland.
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    Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

    The Germans created a bomb that could help them overcome Hitler on their own and also threaten the Soviet Union.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A military strike that was caused by the Japanese Navy against the US base. This attack led the United States into World War 2.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces invaded Northern France by beach landings and fought against German Nazis.
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    Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    Atomic bombs were detonated over these two Japanese cities . United States Navy were given consent to drop these nuclear bombs by the United Kingdom forces.
  • The formation of United Nations

    The formation of United Nations
    This organization was established to help prevent future wars from taking place in the United States.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    George Kennan wrote out his opinions and views about the Soviets and it said exactly what the American government wanted it to. Kennan hated Communism and the Soviet government itself.
  • The formation of NATO

    The formation of NATO
    NATO was established in April 1949 and it was a military alliance that agreed to defend its North Atlantic colonies.
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    The Korean War

    This war began when North Korea invaded South Korea.
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    Brown v Board of Education

    Court declared that state laws establishing separate public schools for black and whites to be unconstitutional.
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    The Vietnam War

    This event started because the United States thought that communism was threatening to expand itself all over South Asia.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger that tried to force her to stand up. She was then arrested on December 1, 1955 and was the first ever black women to ever refuse to give up her seat on the bus she was riding on.
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    The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Political changed caused this wall to happen. The Berlin Wall was planted to loosen regulations on traveling to West Germany.
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis

    This event happened when the Soviet Union began building missile sites in Cuba. It was also an important confrontation of the cold war which also almost came close to a nuclear war.
  • JFK’s Assassination

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Congress approved this resolution which gave President Lyndon Johnson unlimited powers to oppose communist aggression in Asia.
  • The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever set foot on the moon after a successful landing in 1969.
  • The Watergate Break-ins

    The Watergate Break-ins
    Five men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters and this caused a big scandal that turned politic.
  • Nixon’s Resignation

    Nixon’s Resignation
    After the Watergate Scandal took a hit on Nixon's political support. On August 9, 1974, Nixon resigned from his presidency.
  • The invention of the Internet

    It was first invented for military purposes and then expanded its purpose of communication among different revolutions.
  • The 9/11 Attacks

    The 9/11 Attacks
    This deadly terrorist attack in human history occurred on September 11, 2001. After thousands of fatalities, U.S initiatives took it into consideration to boost their combat training and better improved airport security.