
U.S. History Civil War Timeline

  • Expansion and Slavery

    Expansion and Slavery
    Compromise of 1850,and Congress passes Fugitive Slave Act.
  • Expansion and Slavery

    Expansion and Slavery
    Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin.
  • Expansion and Slavery

    Expansion and Slavery
    Gadsden Purchase negotiated in 1853.
  • Expansion and Slavery

    Expansion and Slavery
    Ostend Manifesto exposed in 1854.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Congress passes Kansas- Nebraska Act; Republican Party forms.
  • Expansion and Slavery

    Expansion and Slavery
    William Walker invades Nicaragua.
  • The Buchanan Years

    The Buchanan Years
    The Buchanan accepts Lecompton Constitution; Supreme Court issues Dred Scott vs. Sanford decision of 1857.
  • The Buchanan Years

    The Buchanan Years
    Congress rejects Lecompton Constitution; Lincoln and Douglas debate slavery in Illinois.
  • The Election and Seccesion

    The Election and Seccesion
    John Brown raids Harper Ferry, Virginia.
  • The Election and Seccession

    The Election and Seccession
    Abraham Lincoln elected President; South Carolina secedes from the Union.
  • Major Battles (1861-1863)

    Major Battles (1861-1863)
    South Carolina attacks Fort Sumter; Confederacy defeats Union of First Battle Of Bull Run.
  • Major Battles ( 1861-1863)

    Major Battles ( 1861-1863)
    Union defeats confederacy at Shiloh and Antietam.
  • Major Battles (1861-1863)

    Major Battles (1861-1863)
    Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation; Union defeats Confederacy of Gettysburg and Vicksburg; Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address.
  • The Final Years ( 1864-1865)

    The Final Years ( 1864-1865)
    Grant takes command of Union troops; Lincoln is reelected; Sherman begins March at Sea.
  • The Final Years (1864-1865)

    The Final Years (1864-1865)
    Davis proposes Hampton Roads peace conference, and Robert E. Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox- Courthouse.