U.S History

  • Early Industrial Growth

    Early Industrial Growth
    The agricultural portion of the United States was the first sector to reap the profits of the machine age (Ignitia.com Editors). Eli Whitney, a colonial schoolteacher and gun maker began experimenting in 1793 with a machine that would separate cotton seeds from the lint. This became a big help in the South and slaves could separate a pound of cotton by hand.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Two incidents brought the American public to a point ready for explosion (Ignitia.com Editors). The first incident involved a private letter written by the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Dupuy de Lome (Ignitia.com Editors). The ambassador's letter contained derogatory remarks against the President of the United States, William McKinley. The letter stolen and printed in a United States newspaper and brought a fiery reaction from the citizens of the United States (Ignitia.com Editors).
  • The steamboat

    The steamboat
    Robert Fulton developed the steamboat in 1807, The steamboat completely revolutionized water travel and began a new age of water traffic (Ignitia.com Editors). Other people had attempted to design and build steamships before Fulton, but non of them were successful. While the boat was being constructed, observes laughed, calling it "Fulton's Folly." On its trip to Clermont, people were ready to laugh when it fails but to their surprise it worked and headed off on its first adventure.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was based on a statement made by James Monroe in a speech before Congress on December 2, 1823 (Ignitia.com Editors). Monroe stated that the United States would not get involved in any European wars nor meddle in the affairs of already established European colonies in the Western Hemisphere (Ignitia.com Editors). Having strong support from from the British, this policy enabled Latin America to retain the independence it had won from Spain (Ignitia.com Editors).
  • The discovery of Oil

    The discovery of Oil
    Edwin L. Drake drilled the first oil well, a new industry was born (Ignitia.com Editors). Oil became a vital part of the United states industry and in many factors, fuel oil, refined from the crude oil was used to produce steam instead of coal (Ignitia.come Editors). Another crude oil product, gasoline, was later used in the newly developed internal combustion engines (Ignitia.com Editors).
  • Labor movement

    Labor movement
    Labor's first major hurdle was the lack of unity among its workers (Ignitia.com Editors). Goals and how to achieve them were basic issues of disagreement (Ignitia.com Editors). The labor movement finally began with the organization of the National Labor Union (NLU) in 1866 (Ignitia.com Editor). Big business, threatened by such organized labor, stood firmly in battling this rising opposition.
  • Corporations

    Strong corporations were expanding and developing in immense proportions, reducing competitions and gaining monopolies of their trade (Ignitia.com Editors). This result was precisely the goal of a strong corporations to eliminate competitors and to increase their own profits (Ignitia.com Editors). Public benefits, like reducing consumer costs and producing top-quality products, were of secondary importance (Ignitia.com Editors).
  • Factory Frustration

    Factory Frustration
    The factory system was highly impersonal, demanding performance at a price (Ignitia.com Editors). Centering its thoughts only on monetary gain, industry exacted a heavy toll on its workers, forcing them to work continuously at the pace set by the machine (Ignitia.com Editors). The power of the machine, not man, was given the place of priority in the factory system (Ignitia.com Editors).
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Theodore Roosevelt most important international projects he undertook during his Presidency was the construction of Panama Canal (Ignitia.com Editors). At the time Colombia owned Panama and rejected Roosevelt offer to build the canal for $10 million plus a $250,000 per rental fee. The Colombians believed this sum was to low cause Panama to revolt against Colombia's rejection (Ignitia.com Editors). A warship was soon sent to Panama from the United States, then Panama excepted the offer there.
  • Business & Industry

    Business & Industry
    The arrival of the Industrial Revolution in the United States involved intelligent use of our nations natural resources (Ignitia.com Editors). The seemingly limitless supply of natural energy producing materials gave the industrial United States a gigantic surge that even England could not equal (Ignitia.com Editors).