U.S. History

  • 10,000 BCE

    First Humans to be on the AMERICAN CONTINENTS

    • Native Americans were in the Americas first! Not Columbus and all his bros!!
    • Europeans were the first to colonize America MANNNNNYYYYYYY years later
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands & Christopher Columbus

    • it helped all the bros come on over
    • "sailed the ocean blue" MORE LIKE MURDERED EVERY NATIVE (tainos)
    • people from england were now interesting in moving the Americas
    • his group murdered thousands of Tainos, natives of the land
  • Period: to


    Where Great Britain would profit off of the colonies' products in order to gain more money and wealth.
  • Jamestown

    • The first English settlement in North America
    • It failed and the colonists learned from that
    • It helped all the bros come on over (made people more attracted to the thought of moving to the Americas)
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    • They had to do everything by England
    • They had to have British ports for goods and everything was first filtered through England and America didn't like that
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    A philosophical and intellectual movement in Europe where politics, philosophy, science, and communications were all rethought.
  • George Washington

    He became the first President after being a successful general for years. He was involved in the French and Indian War as an ambassador.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    • Bloodiest war
    • French and Natives worked together against the English
    • There was a long long feud between the French and English
    • They were fighting for domicance in North America
  • Proclamation of 1763

    King George III issued an order after the French and Indian War, which states that colonists could not expand west of the Appalachians. That land was Native American territory. After this, Natives and colonists fought each other consistently
  • Stamp Act

    England forced colonists to pay a tax for every single piece of paper that they used
  • Boston Massacre

    British Soldiers shot and killed five people during a protest mob. This was made known to the public, and sparked a rebellion against England
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists dressed as Native Americans boarded three British ships in the Boston Harbor. They did not want to play their taxes for British tea, so they threw over 92,000 pounds of tea from the ships into the Harbor in protest. This led to the Intolerable Acts.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Colonists revolted against the British, resulting in independence from Great Britain. The colonists were allied with the French and other countries. Their motto was "no taxation without representation."
  • Declaration of Independence & Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson

    Five men, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams wrote the document. It states the intentions of the colonies.
  • United States Constitution Signed

    39 delegates from all 12 of the 13 states (Rhode Island didn't send a delegate) represented their state and signed the US Constitution. There was a months-long convention for this.
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

    The belief that it was a God-given right to expand into west territory
  • Louisiana Purchase

    America bought the Louisiana Territory from France, which let the Americans have territory on both sides of the Mississippi River. They gained a third of what is now the full territory of the USA.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition & Lewis and Clark

    • Thomas Jefferson instructed for two men traveled to the West Coast in order to explore unknown territory, find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, and establish trades and relationships with the Natives.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

    When Americans started to expand into west territory after they had obtained all the land. They built new homes and establishments
  • Period: to

    Era of Reform

    This was a period of time where there was widespread social activism and political reform. Social, political, cultural, and economic institutions had been revised. For the times, it might be 1890 to 1920
  • Election of 1828

    • Andrew Jackson (Democratic) vs. John Quincy Adams (National Republican)
    • Jackson accused Adams of engaging in disgraceful politics to ensure his win of the election
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian Democracy & Andrew Jackson

    When Andrew Jackson was the President and he opposed aristocratic ways. He benefitted the middle class people because he grew up as a middle class man.
  • Period: to

    Abolitionist Movement & Fredrick Douglass

    A time where slavery was abolished across the US. Some abolitionists, like Frederick Douglass, were leaders. Douglass promoted anti-slavery and equal rights.
  • Indian Removal Act

    • President Andrew Jackson signed off for the Native Americans to be relocated somewhere else. On the way there (the Trail of Tears) the Natives were not allowed to practice customs of their culture. Jackson saw himself as a father figure for "saving" the Natives (Cherokees)
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    Both Mexico and America were fighting for more land, especially over Texas, California, and New Mexico. The Americans ended up winning the war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Both the North and the South benefitted from aspects of this, but they also had to give up some things. California was announced as a free state, Washington D.C. allowed slavery, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah were all organized territories with no mentioning of slavery, etc.
  • Dred Scott Decision & Dred Scott

    • A slave named Dred Scott and his family were enslaved in the South but then brought to a Northern state, still imprisoned. He argued that he should be freed in his case since he was imprisoned in the North, even though to Constitution states otherwise. In a past case decades before, the Winny vs. Whitesides case was this same scenario and Winny, the slave, was freed and the Whitesides, her owner, owed her money. Scott wasn't freed until years later, not relating to this
  • Election of 1860 & Abraham Lincoln

    • Abraham Lincoln won 40% of the popular vote but still won the election due to the electoral college
    • Lincoln represented the Republicans and he had pretty much the entire population of the North's vote
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    • slavery divided the union (north) and the confederacy (south)
    • abraham lincoln was the president during this war
    • the north won